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Posts posted by TrixxiePixxiee

  1. 54 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    Unfortunately if the previous estate is in default with LL it is highly unlikely that they even have to $L to transfer.  I'd chalk this up to a lesson learned and only pay for 1 week at a time in the future.

    Oh I was always a week ahead, been there for 3 years.  

  2. So we rent from estia and come to find out, they are in default with LL and have been taken over by dreamseeker estates.  I paid my tier on June 14th and at that time, my lots had 2 weeks and 6 days left.  I paid a total of 10400 for this.  Now upon dreamseeker taking over, all renters lost the time on land due to the funds not being transferred to them by estia.  What can I do about this?  What can any of estia renters do?  Estia estates fb is gone, Noone replying to anyone.  Dreamseeker is nice enough to give us all a week until lindens are figured out but is there anyway any of us can get out lindens back from estia?  

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