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  1. Thank you, i have a lelutka head too but not female so same problem haha. I am trying now with the Genus free head that is female. Im trying skins to make it more look like a teen boy but keeps looking female. I have to admit I am still not very skilled at all of this. Appreciate all the help and suggestions so thank you. Yes i will be careful to not break any rules for sure!
  2. Thank you everyone for your replies, i see you all say to try the female head, how do i turn it male again? I wish to have a male child avatar. Thank you advance.
  3. It does look smaller on the body then on the head
  4. Thank you very much i will check that out.
  5. Hello all, I am not very experienced with SL but managed to look decent having a normal male avatar. I wanted to try to make a child avatar and have bought the tweenster body. I was hoping i could use the AK Leonardo head but the neck situation does not seem to work https://gyazo.com/30dedfce67b4c1150603e478b23909fe Is this maybe not possible? If so what head would you recommend for teen boy that would fit with the tweenster body? If it is possible, can you give me some pointers? Thank you very much in advance.
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