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Everything posted by slippendinger

  1. You would be surprised. The only reason I made this post is because someone was salty enough to report the lewd pfp of a friend of mine and get her banned for a day - and she only ever visits adult rated sims. Which I was asking if picks are subject to this too. And too many people here have said there are so I'm just gonna err on the side of caution on this I suppose. On that note however- Would you say something like a microkini is no longer general rating viable even though it covers all the important parts? I feel like that would be something you encounter even at a regular beach out in the real world, though so I don't personally see an issue with it. But prudes these days be something else.
  2. They should honestly make it so that you can set your profile to adult, and have a confirmation to click through if going to an adult profile. Or you can opt out of seeing adult profiles like how you do with sims you search for. There's so much adult focused stuff on SL that this kind of ruling feels kind of outdated honestly.
  3. Hmm I see. So even the picks are affected, then.
  4. Hey there, I have a question and not sure where else to put it, so here it goes: I know profile pictures are supposed to be general - but what about picks? Do those need to be general as well? A lot of sims that might be thrown into one's picks come with NSFW content from the get-go, so I'm not sure how that is handled.
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