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Viola Mole

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  1. Hi again! Your responses and posts are really appreciated, thank you. The new Welcome HUB could prove successful or not. However, I can say that the team is highly committed to improving and iterating on the Welcome Hub experience. Only time will tell (but things do take time). Anyone who wants to try to contribute to providing a safe and welcoming environment for new users are very welcome there. Also welcome are your ideas on this forum. I have noted everything suggested so far, I will listen to what you have to say, think about what you have to say and take on topic observations and comments to discussion at my level (which may lead to other things). If any other relative forums pop up going forward please let me know, I would really like to read all feedback which may help us with any ideas. We may not be able to change things immediately, we may not be able to change or implement some, even many things at all for either logistical or other reasons. But we will certainly listen. Finally, about the mentors - for those of us who have a long memory, this is not 2007 - 2009. Please give them your support. Thank you. Looking forward to reading more of your ideas. Kind regards, Viola.
  2. Hello folks! One of our team alerted me to this forum, they were very upset actually. There are some comments in this forum which make me understand why. Everyone has their view of what can or should be done differently or better and people will gladly listen to helpful suggestions from different perspectives. This can help us all make positive developments. Builds and exhibits are fluid, can be changed, rethought, improved, reduced and expanded. Perhaps though, you could have some consideration for the feelings of the creators who have worked so hard to make what many people do consider a great starting point for newcomers, including having consideration for the Community Exhibition builders who have so positively entered into this initial stage. What cannot be changed however - is the gut wrenching feeling that a kind, caring person who wants to spend time with others and assist them gets in the pit of their stomach while reading insulting comments about themselves and their helping companions. Demoralization takes a lot of coming back from. Rather than take a swipe at people you do not know, or at a group about which you know nothing, please be kind enough to direct any of your complaints or comments about the volunteers directly to me rather than unfairly putting people down in a public forum. One thing I can assure you all about, is that in the eight months this mentor team has been together, not one person has spoken unkindly about anyone they have met or helped and we try to accept everyone, taking into account their weakness and strengths. If people fail to keep these standards they will not remain in the program. I am very proud of the people in this new generation of Second Life Mentors. Gentle Heron is an honorary member, some of our members are from Virtual Ability. We have linguists and people with fantastic Second Life skills and we also have people who are just caring, who love to connect and spend time with others. Most of our volunteers spend many hours helping newcomers in a variety of ways. I would ask you all to remember that across any demographic, newcomers, visiting residents and volunteers who might all meet up at the Welcome HUB that some people face significant life challenges. Anyone can help someone else anywhere at any time, in fact, if people did not help each other in all aspects of life, life expectancy would be shorter, people's mental health would be worse and both the real world and our Second Life worlds would fall apart. Please do not belittle those who choose to do it in an organized environment as a team, learning from and supporting each other. Nobody spends more time than me with the volunteers, or at the Welcome HUB, therefore I would be glad to talk to anyone about their queries. I would however ask that you come as 'yourself' not as a pretend new user. I prefer voice but do of course take into consideration people who may not be able to or wish to use it for various reasons. You can also email me - violamole.ldpw@gmail.com I see people on this forum with amazing skills. Bring them to the table, we will find you a newcomer who you can spend time with showing them your creations, helping them become body beautiful or help them with scripting and building. Let me know you are willing, we will link you up! Let's be positive and grateful for all we have here in Second Life and provide ideas and suggestions in an emotionally intelligent way, otherwise please let those of us who are positive and grateful 'do our thing' to the best of our own individual abilities. Thank you and have an amazing day. Viola.
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