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Paula MacKay

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Everything posted by Paula MacKay

  1. Yes people can do that I do not disagree. But not all of us know how to do repairs on their PC. And at least where I live techs can be expensive. My PC isn't old. But buying another is not going to happen for a couple years at least. Meanwhile friends that just don't have money to get new pc's now will be gone. I am happy for you all that can stay and run sl. Maybe with those that have no other choice but to leave will make it even easier for you. I'm not trying to argue one way or the other,. I know the direction things are going for me in the loss of good friends I have in SL. I accept that I may need to leave this virtual world that has been a place I have almost lived in for almost 20 years. I accept the limits I have to make. I just empathize with others who also can't purchase or update their equipment.
  2. I disagree. Even brand new cars are harmed by road conditions. Can throw things out of alignment. If road has a lot of cracked and missing area can be really rough on suspension, tires, steering.
  3. Our car was serviced regularly and as such did not need updated. It was older but very reliable. And that is way different item.
  4. I was thrilled at the items in the PBR especially the mirrors - until I attended events at SL21BD. Those had my computer running hot. I have the 16 gig ram, I have a good solid pc but this is just a lot of toil on it. I have been a member of second life for almost 20 years. (19 yrs 6 months). I have friends who have been here 15 plus years. Second life has been my go to place to interact with others. I spend a lot of lindens that I purchase on items in SL. I also pay membership the Premium. Now I am very much in danger of and likely to loose long time friends. Second Life has been not a game but a social area for me. I can not get a new pc at this time but if I do then I will have to stop paying for SL membership or get Lindens until such time it would be paid off and so why do it? There are other "game" I can play but they are just that a game. Not the friendships I have found in Second Life. I surmise that this is a needed change for Second Life by Linden Labs. I just feel that again a lot of people will choose to leave. That means less money to Linden Labs for memberships, lindens. And Less items bought from vendors. It is my hope that something works out so people do not have to choose to leave to protect their PC's. I just felt the need to share my feelings on this. And will have to make choices as to what I need to do soon. The voice is leaving not due to Linden Labs but the voice providers closing I was led to believe. I do feel that LL will get voice for here again. I just hope I can be here but at this time I am very unsure. Respectfully Roxanna Cash (Paula MacKay)
  5. I have been reading this forum and the replies here have been outstanding. I am Jame's sL Mum. He has been the best addition to our family ever. Our only son and for a long time our only child. He has an older sister that seems to have left SL Not all SL kids are as polite and respectful as James and those actions. Due to that his Dad took a bit more time deciding if we would have children. I played a child avatar myself long time ago. I have been here 17 years on this avatar my original avi was here 2 years before that. Having a child in this world is fun. You see things from a child's point of view if the individual is good at portraying a child. James does that very well, I am proud that he began this thread and appreciate all the comments that have been shared. Being the Parent of a child is a commitment. You need to be ready to spend time with your child or children. Participate in things with them. James understands there are times I have other things to do as I understand he does as well. But we have family time. And that is very important in my mind. I am sorry that the world (that strange one of RL) has invaded SL to the point that now rules have to be made for children to stop actions that never should happen. When I was a kid in SL I was welcome on adult sims and areas that were more graphical and not for me were posted. I was treated with respect as a child there and gave respect in return. It unfortunately has changed a lot since then. I do however applaud Linden Labs for watching out for the kid avatars. I am sorry the burden has fallen to the kids to keep the adults in line but that happens. Ok sorry I get to talking and go on and on but one last thing to say. To each and every one who has replied to this thread Thank you! The more we work together for what each of us wants out of SL and respect the boundaries set the better we all can enjoy our second life experience. James's Mum who goes by Roxy in game
  6. No candy bucket at 299,329 and 314, 315, 326 says bucket in use
  7. I have had buckets say that they are busy, no one was there when I landed and no way to get it to work. 10 so far though I don't have all numbers of them I have some off the google doc - 22, 197, 199, 217, 219, 267, 287 That was the excel line the landmark is on as of today 10.15 Thanks! Paula MacKay
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