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Posts posted by Nofunawo

  1. Interesting how many people here know what "THE SL" user wants and how SL should be. Didn't know I give them permission to talk for me. Must have missed the letter.

    Learned SL is something for masochists and freaks...for me SL is the thing that gives me space for my imagination and skills like no other. 
    Some of which I learned the hard way over years of SL. Doing mesh, scripting...and now it's a wonderful playground full of possibilities. 

    And now this world, which is still wonderful for me, has been updated and looks better than ever. Great. 
    Do I have to get used to it? Yes. I'm happy to. Decent EEP, a bit of tweaking here, getting used to material textures...yay.

    Stuff to explore.

    • Like 3
  2. And that is my solution for the original question. There is neither a limit of 12 nor 24 as it uses numbers for the buttons.

    The "*List*" command prints all options to nearby chat - which is a quicker way to choose if there are many entries in the menu.

    integer chan;
    integer cHandle;
    integer chat_handler;
    integer chatchan;
    key id;
    integer idxMenu;
    list lTextures;
    string CurTex;
    integer NumTex;
    integer sum;
    CurTex = llList2String(lTextures,NumTex);   
    buildMenu(key id) 
    chan = (integer)(llFrand(9999999) * -1);
    cHandle = llListen(chan, "", "", "");
    list menu;
    integer i;
    string out = "\nTextures\n";
    out+="\nCurrent Texture: "+CurTex+"\n";
    string num; 
    if(idxMenu > 0) menu += ["<<PREV"]; 
    else menu += ["*List*"]; 
    if(idxMenu*10+9 < sum - 1) menu += ["NEXT>>"]; 
        for(i=idxMenu*10; (i <= idxMenu*10+9) && (i <= sum - 1);i++)
        num = (string)(i+1);
        out += "\n"+num+": "+llList2String(lTextures,i);
        menu += [num];
    llDialog(id, out, menu, chan);
    llOwnerSay("Chat command will work for 60 seconds:");
    chatchan = (integer)llFrand(60000) + 12345;
    chat_handler = llListen(chatchan,"","","");
    string titel;
    integer c;
    string output;
    string object=llGetObjectName();
        while (c < sum)
        titel = llList2String(lTextures,c);
        output =  "[secondlife:///app/chat/"+(string)chatchan+"/"+(string)c+"/ "+titel+"]";
        integer d = c+1;
        llSetObjectName("# "+(string)d);
    sum = llGetInventoryNumber(0);
    integer i;
    string name;
    lTextures = [];
        for(i=0; i<sum; i++)
        name = llGetInventoryName(0, i);
        lTextures += [name];
    llOwnerSay("Menu/Chat timed out - Touch again");
    changed(integer chg)
        if(chg & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
        llOwnerSay("Hello "+llKey2Name(llGetOwner())+", change detected - will reset");
    touch_start(integer touchme)
    idxMenu = 0;
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        if (message == "*List*")
        else if (message == "NEXT>>")
        else if (message == "<<PREV")
        else if (channel == chan)
        NumTex = (integer)message - 1;
        if (NumTex >= 0)
        else if (channel == chatchan)
        NumTex = (integer)message;


  3. if (action == "zoom")
    vector agentSize = llGetAgentSize(keyid);
    if (agentSize == ZERO_VECTOR)
    llOwnerSay("Zoom in " + cbcAgentProfile(keyid) + " not possible. Most likely the Avatar left the Region");
    list details = llGetObjectDetails(keyid, [OBJECT_POS, OBJECT_ROT]);
    vector tPos = llList2Vector (details, 0);
    rotation tRot = llList2Rot (details, 1);
            CAMERA_ACTIVE, TRUE,
            CAMERA_FOCUS, tPos, 
            CAMERA_POSITION, tPos + (camera_offset * tRot),

    The timer aks again for pos & rot and sets camera focus & position. It is not smooth but it fulfills its purpose 🙂

    camera_offset is a defined vector to show the ava in full size and not the belly only...

    • Thanks 1
  4. Btw. there are ways to create prio 5 & 6 animations but according to my observations and test they will be handled as prio4 animations.

    Any other prio 4 animation will override any 5&6 animation. prio 3 and less will not do it.

    The real problem is that no one cares about the right priorities. Try to find an AO which animations are set to prio2...good luck. 




  5. 1 hour ago, gwynchisholm said:

    dropping shadows to 1x scaling helps a lot, and then not playing in 4k to begin with can help depending on the area, I’ve found some places don’t care about resolution at all, some places 1080p to 4k can cut the framerate by 3/4

    Wasn't it you who told me that resolution doesn't matter in SL - LOL.

    O.K. London City -4060TI - all settings to max

    Resolution: UWQHD

    about 50 FPS using 70-90 Watt

    The A770 sucks!



  6. 11 hours ago, gwynchisholm said:

    Well I think you’re gonna have to just take my word on this in the short term. I’ve been fighting trying to install windows 10 on a pre uefi system with usb 2.0 for too long and I’m not devoting more of my time to proving some point on the internet. I need my bench back and I have other things to do.


    11 hours ago, gwynchisholm said:

    and in the case of resolution, that doesn’t really matter much if your gpu is generally up to the task of displaying that image at all

    Sorry, this statement is 100% bull*****!


    On average, the step from 1080 to 4k halves the performance. It gets worse the less performance the card has and the less memory it has.

    But the performance is always significantly lower. Saying that resolution doesn't matter much is ridiculous.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

    the graphic card are far more important.
    Modern CPU's don't have their hands full mastering SL.


    Correct, modern CPUs (middle class and higher) have enough power to run SL in any situation.

    But see our findings here in this thread - CPU Single-Core speed the same - 4060TI vs 4070TI -> no difference in fps -> CPU limit

    This tests were done in FullHD. My standard resolution is UWQHD and there the GPU is the limit.

    I think we will see a change with the PBR Viewers. Also the Alphas are showing a difference in handling CPU & GPU.

    But for now  it depends on the settings (ALM, Shadows...) and the resolution in use if it is the GPU or CPU which sets the limit.


  8. 1 hour ago, gwynchisholm said:

    SL doesn’t really care what hardware you have, it performs awful on anything, and higher end hardware is just having it perform slightly less awful.

    Yes, some "problems" of SL, caused by "WorksAsDesigned", can't be solved by any hardware....

    BUT with a good hardware basis SL doesn't show a lot of the issues people always complaining about. I  had no crash since years, I can move also @Events... 

    OC a good internet connection is also, maybe more, important for performance and stability.  Starting with the ISP (IPV4 vs IPV6, perring ...) and ending with using a LAN and not a WLAN/WiFi connection. 


  9. OK. than the 7800X3d is not a game changer.

    Resolution: FHD

    CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12600K (3686.4 MHz)
    Memory: 32560 MB (Used: 1258 MB)
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit (Build 22621.2428)
    Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
    Graphics Card Memory: 8188 MB

    Quality: High  Sykbox - 2 AVAs: 420 fps - CPU 45W - GPU: 96W

    Quality: Ultra Sykbox - 2 AVAs: 370 fps - CPU 45W - GPU: 96W




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