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  1. So I did check out Deetalez, and I think I found the skin I saw before! And I did end up checking out some things from Izzies as well. Very nice BOMs. I really appreciate the help and recommendations ❤️
  2. I joined SL not too-too long ago, and I gotta admit that I'm growing burned out on all the perfect, glassy, gorgeous skins I've seen around. They're all very lovely, don't get me wrong - but personally I'm craving something a little more... real, I suppose? A week or so ago, I saw a skin while browsing the MP and didn't bookmark it, sadly. But I really wish I could find it now. It reminded me of a more middle eastern skin pigmentation, with some darker pigmentation under the eyes, and had some fine lines, a mole or two here or there. Hopefully someone has some recommendations for a face skin that's a touch more down to earth? :') For LeLutka Evo X!
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