I'm brand new and I'm still working on my avatar but doing some shopping looking for a mesh body, I'm having a hard time finding a model that I love. I see a lot of cute thick bodies, or chubby bodies, but I want a body that's actually fat, with a belly, to represent myself. Most bodies that are chubby or thicc are so cute but they lack belly- it's all big legs, ass, and ***** with a tiny waist. Where can I find a mesh body and clothes that work? I'm unsure if I'm missing something or if I just need to get gud at making things in game, or if someone knows of a shop that focuses on fat avatars?
Included is pics of the body I modded when I started, which is kinda close to what I want but I know some people are SO GOOD at making models that look nice, so I'd like to eventually buy a body that looks like mine instead of settling for this. Thanks!