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Posts posted by cirleen

  1. On 8/9/2023 at 7:28 AM, Orwar said:

    It always makes me think of that one time my Danish classmate took a serving of Flygande Jacob, she had no idea what it was. I felt so bad for her. 

    My supervisor used to bring us Leftza on her return trips from Norway, 5 days old unrefrigerated in her luggage. We'd fake a bite and as soon as she left those rotten potatoes went straight in the trash can.

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  2. 1 hour ago, cirleen said:

    School's Out

    School's Out


    That School's Out picture was a test to see if anyone imagined there were children on that bus. There wasn't, and no animals got hurt either. Anyone who failed the test please step forward & admit all wrongdoings publicly for a harsh reprimand.

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  3. On 7/27/2023 at 7:23 PM, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

    I give it 3 pages.

    19 hours ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

    Countdown to lock!

    It hit ten pages so the Page Count Gambling Cartel owes me money. You both are lucky. We need to go to the casino together.

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  4. 18 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    And so, there is an objective every person has with each post, even you, and even if you choose not to be aware of it as you post. I don't see anything wrong with posting that way, and it can be quite fun and playful. I only see this more subconscious way of posting as a problem if someone is using the forum as a way to dump their anger on others, tear others down, or act in a generally disruptive manner.

    Jokes and play are a universal language and it's good to be aware of the possible effect of words we write & pictures we post. We may not see the forest through the trees. Jokes and play, from what I understand were harshly done to the point of harmfulness in forums of the past. Play is a common language, a way to convey a thought or feeling that's easily understood. Reiki and feng shui are more effective but people are sometimes hesitant to engage in something they may not understand and may not want to learn about. I agree totally with what you said, we should be aware if our intention is to cheer or to harm others and compassion goes a long way, it's not always superficial why people do the things they do. A little tolerance is a good thing.

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  5. 40 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

    Literally every thread gets locked and there are 7 active posters.

    Is there a people limit? I placed a bet that this would last ten pages. I suppose we could do CPR and bring it back to life, let's not do that, but I did put in a good linden plug for the moles.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:


    Do you mean the voice server or the randomness in life? Both organization and random chance can be good things. Truly, I don't think there's another forum on the net with such a good mix of both. The theme of these forums is restricted to SL but SL is open ended with even more possibilities, though virtual, than RL. I don't think another forum could compare.

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