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  1. My tube isn't retaining it's skew. A Tube: Size <0.43,0.129,0.129>, Path Cut (B:0 and E:1), Hollow (0), Skew (-0.1), Twist (0.0), Hole Size (X 1.0, Y 0.05), Top Sheer 0, Pro.Cut (0,1) Taper (0.0, 0.0), Radius (0.94737), Revolutions (4.0) -- The prim hops from Skew -0.1 to -0.8 any time you edit, add a script, drag copy, or leave the sim and come back. At Skew 0.1, it jumps to 0.8. This is repeatable on FS and SL viewers. I believe it's because prims and mesh run concurrent in SL. - Does anyone know a work around? I have tried various skews from -0.3 to 0.3, but after that, it isn't the right shape. Turning it into a mesh and reuploading turns it into 33 LI even with cleaning it up in blender and using a cube for physics. Any help is appreciated.
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