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Everything posted by ShutYourYapper

  1. That has worked so far! Thank you so much!!
  2. Hi, I'm having issues trying to use the @attach function. I have a touch script and on touch_start I check for a state and Detach an RLV folder then Attach another RLV folder. For some reason it appears that using @attach at all acts more like if you used the right click menu and clicked "Wear" or "Replace" instead of clicking "Add". That is the best explanation I can come up with. The function randomly unequips things I did not tell it to and removes all my tattoo layers. @detach doesn't seem too have this issue. Is there an alternative function that doesn't replace items on the attachment point and instead just adds the object to the attachment point? I've been trying to figure this out all day and I know it's possible because I've seen it done before and was just told "It's RLV." Am I missing something entirely? Any help is greatly appreciated! Here is what I have: string folderMale = "avatar1/avatargenderpart0"; string folderFemale = "avatar1/avatargenderpart1"; integer gender; // 0 = Male; 1 = Female default { touch_start( integer num_detected ) { if( llDetectedKey( 0 ) == llGetOwner() && gender == 1 ) { llSay(0, "Gender --> MALE"); // For Debug llOwnerSay( "@detach:" + folderFemale + "=force" ); llOwnerSay( "@detach:" + folderMale + "=force" ); llSleep(5.0); // For Debug llOwnerSay( "@attach:" + folderMale + "=force" ); gender = 0; } else if ( llDetectedKey( 0 ) == llGetOwner() && gender == 0 ) { llSay(0, "Gender --> FEMALE"); // For Debug llOwnerSay( "@detach:" + folderMale + "=force" ); llOwnerSay( "@detach:" + folderFemale + "=force" ); llSleep(5.0); // For Debug llOwnerSay( "@attach:" + folderFemale + "=force" ); gender = 1; } } }
  3. Hi, Just wondering if it is possible to execute an existing chat command, like "/55 play,15,l" from one of my objects within an LSL Script. Whenever I use LlSay, LlInstantMessage, or LlOwnerSay it just dumps the string into chat and the listener for that specific command is not triggered. Example (llOwnerSay does not function how I wish it too.) : string command = "/55 play,15,l"; default { state_entry() { // Execute the chat command when the script starts llOwnerSay(command); } } Thanks!
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