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  1. I was confused by this too. If you are using Firestorm, then you need a photo in 4:3 for profile picture. Regarding other pictures, it looks like not even LL can agree with themselves. In official viewer the Picks seem to be 16:10 but they display it 4:3 on web profile anyway. Edit: And to add even more confusion, in Firestorm the Picks pictures are dependent on dialog size.
  2. Yes, exactly For someone ~8 USD/hour might be not much, but for someone it might be a good value. I know one good photographer in SL, but unfortunately she is not much online now... But I can ask if the OP is interested.
  3. You can also try searching the Inworld Employment forum, using the "blogger" search term (this link), to see how other blogger jobs are offered to be paid (or rewarded). Maybe it can give you some useful info.
  4. I understand that and I am not arguing at all Sid 😉 But even counting tax and insurance, most people in my country would consider that to be a really well paid job.
  5. Yes, but those RL prices probably vary a lot by country 🙂 Here many people in RL work for a fraction of those €30.
  6. Whoa 😲 I feel like I was born in a wrong country 😄 (or you made a typo in that number 🤔😄)
  7. When I started SL I was doing only text conversations - local chat and IM, with no preference. After some time of making excuses (like that I don't have a microphone, or that the microphone driver is not working ) I decided to give voice a try and eventually started to enjoy it. Now I use both, voice and text. Voice with close people and text with everyone else. I find voice very convenient for example when I want to say or explain something more complex. Saves a lot of typing. But since SL voice doesn't always work the best for me, I call via another platform sometimes.
  8. Lol I do exactly the same, plus I use Ctrl+F on the "List of functions" page 🙂 Also it works if you type the function name in google, e.g. llSensor. But sometimes it suggests something else.
  9. Ah, okay 🙂 I thought it is related to the changes.
  10. I have noticed that on some pages thumbnails don't display. Maybe it's just me, but I tried 2 browsers and ad-block is disabled.
  11. As Ruthven said, on_rez is triggered also on log in according to https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/On_rez Simply comment it out.
  12. You might also find some info here: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_run_crash There should be also a support group https://www.firestormviewer.org/support/
  13. I have just tried with one gmail and one non-gmail email and it does not work. No e-mail was received in SL. Sending emails from SL to external email works.
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