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Everything posted by Adrianamrf

  1. Olá... Eu fui roubada no second life. Entraram na minha conta e roubaram 60k. Gastaram no Moo Town Games - Main Location e eu não fui lá e nem o grupo de lá em tenho. Como faço para recuperar os meus lindens. Segue o print do histório da minha conta em lidens. Obrigada. https://gyazo.com/ddd29c2a24195288b2b5171f05615e09 Hi... I was robbed in second life. They logged into my account and stole 60k. They spent at Moo Town Games - Main Location and I didnt go there and neither did the group there. How do I recover my lindens? Here is the print of my account history in lidens. Thanks. https://gyazo.com/ddd29c2a24195288b2b5171f05615e09
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