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  1. I guess it would be possible to make your own particle system with the magical use of physics and physic functions to create the behaviour while setting the objects as temporary so they don't count to prim limits... but never done anything like it and not sure how it would come out. Bare in mind, each particle object would need a script within for collision_start
  2. Unfortunately to my knowledge of the llParticleSystem, there is no way for a particle to detect collisions or die on collisions. Although this doesn't entirely render LSL Particle Physics useless as you can (if you have access to the full script) change particle life time rates and have lower values in script objects that are over a roof for example, having the longer life time rates around the roof object. This however is my knowledge on things from using the particle system going back years and years ago, although doesn't seem like they have done much to the particle system since. You could also look at using PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK although this can have strange actual bouncing effects and I'm not expert on particles entirely. Which is why I tend to use particle huds to help me design particles.
  3. ♥♥ Very well investigated there ^~^ Thank you!
  4. Well, I'd say free's free ^~^ But ultimately if it were me I'd make my own which would then make it more personal and what not. But that's just my opinion on the matter
  5. Hey Guyz, Don't know if anyone else has had this, although I can't see it being widely used in LSL Scripting. Using llSetTextureAnim / llSetLinkTextureAnim (Which ever you prefer) when using the flags; ANIM_ON|SMOOTH|ROTATE ~ It's length doesn't respond to radians correctly. Example; llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON|SMOOTH|ROTATE, 0, 0, 0, 0, TWO_PI, 1); This won't execute a full 360 rotation, which obviously results in replacing TWO_PI with; degree's * DEG_TO_RAD not correctly ending achieving the degree's before the anim ends. Unless I've missed something but be interesting to hear from anyone on it. Thankoooz ^~^ Lillith
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