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Everything posted by jeanfreedom

  1. jeanfreedom


  2. Not even sure if I'm in the right place or if I'll get a response, but I am a creator who's wondering if it's possible to import highly detailed scenes from blender into the game. The reason being that I would like a specific scene for my main store. If It can not be done, then maybe it is possible to import some of the props of the scene and then have a landscaper within second life do the other aspects as similar as possible to the blender scene. I'm hoping that somehow it is possible however, because well that would just be a huge relief. However, since I am looking for an honest and realistic response, just be straightforward with me, even if I am actually typing this in the wrong place XD. Thanks a ton guys ❤️ Scene Example
  3. Not even sure if I'm in the right place or if I'll get a response, but I am a creator who's wondering if it's possible to import highly detailed scenes from blender into the game. The reason being that I would like a specific scene for my main store. If It can not be done, then maybe it is possible to import some of the props of the scene and then have a landscaper within second life do the other aspects as similar as possible to the blender scene. I'm hoping that somehow it is possible however, because well that would just be a huge relief. However, since I am looking for an honest and realistic response, just be straightforward with me, even if I am actually typing this in the wrong place XD. Thanks a ton guys ❤️ Scene Example
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