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PJBear Bitey

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Everything posted by PJBear Bitey

  1. Saw three actual Moles today. Probably more fun than actually finding a dropped object. Didn't get any cards out of finding them, though.
  2. It's a neat way to get myself to see more of Bellisseria. Did cause me to repeatedly think to myself "is this still a thing" while in hour 5 of wandering around trying to find anything at all. So it's good to come in here and see it's still a thing. Did find a wallet at the second place I looked. Just didn't find anything the next five hours I looked.
  3. "All with one candy got a bear"? I didn't think I'd get anything prize-wise, so I only got a few candies. No more than 10. And I received zero bears. I was supposed to get one bear?
  4. Oh, I've found one gift. There might be more out there. Queenz had a group gift that included Belleza Gen X Curvy.
  5. One odd thing is that I saw clothing for Prima at an event - but it wasn't FaMESHed (Belleza Gen X, on the other hand, had a bunch of stuff at FaMESHed). I saw a skirt outfit for Prima at the Posh event. Course one skirt outfit doesn't make a closet, but there's one. At the "wrong" event.
  6. Most of the 512's I've seen in Sakura appear to be unclaimed. There's a great 512 across the street from me, and it's never been owned by anyone. Similarly, none of the other 512's near me have been claimed. I haven't looked in the last 2 weeks, so maybe people have started snapping up those 512's.
  7. Wolf, unicorn stare off at Zoo-Palooza 3
  8. Spotted The Bellisseria Cat at Forestham National Park
  9. Community center is neat. Ducks lovely, but why no fish, koi, in the pond? ETA: Duck picture changed - accidentally posted wrong bird picture:
  10. Oops, I should read to the end before replying. Here's a picture to make up for it:
  11. Okay, here's a weird, I'm sure, response (part of the weirdness is replying to a 3 day old post, but only a part): I like feeling sexy/spicy/whatever. Also I'm asexual. I don't mean I don't have sex in SL, I mean I do not have sex, period. I don't want it, I'm not "biologically programmed for sex", and, a lot of the time, I find sex depicted on film or the like to be either hilarious or boring (and, depending, icky). "If sex didn't exist, we could never feel sexy." I'm aware people have sex, I'm aware sex exists but sex doesn't really "exist" for me other than as a concept.
  12. Was fun to visit with people today. Unfortunately wasn't able to stick around long at party.
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