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PJBear Bitey

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Everything posted by PJBear Bitey

  1. Necro, eh? I've now a vague desire to eat necco wafers.
  2. Never heard of it. Looked it up just now. Not interested.
  3. Oh. Darn. Shoes. Since this was the avatar forum, I was hoping people were talking about crocs. Like this here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Crocodile-Avatar/19642953. But, you know, realistic instead.
  4. "Pick a Linden Home Name" sounds like there is a choice of names, and you can pick one of them as the winner. As opposed to "Name a new Linden Home Style".
  5. Best bet to get a "regular" looking car work on Bellisseria streets? Get a regular looking car that's a wearable. There are a few on Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=115&search[keywords]=wearable&search[layout]=gallery&search[maturity_level]=G&search[per_page]=96&search[sort]=_score_desc&page=2 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Con-Wax-OnWax-Off-Convertible-HUD-Slate-WEAR-ME-v1/9619677 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BLUSH-Cutiepie-Car-Adults-and-Teenagers-Blue-Promo-limited-to-50-units-only/22980947 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MM-Car-XX-Wearable-and-Decor/22082414 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/WAG-Wearable-Snow-Plow-Truck/20819079
  6. Reminds me when I went through a brief mermaid phase. Went swimming. Wandered across a .. . not sure of correct word to use, but it was bascially a creature with man upper half, and tentacles lower half.
  7. Dang. I think I've missed all but one winter connected party this month. And I'm missing this one. And next not until 31st. I not be home 12-2pm December 23 2023 SLT.
  8. I was picturing these as being set more in the Southwest. Especially as the content package contains cacti.
  9. Yes, cute. Though it is 151L (if not already in group; 150L for group join; 1L for head, 1L not refunded). Just in case anyone wanted to send money to an alt to go get it.
  10. Yeah, it'd be neat if there was some way to collect the ones I don't have from the Halloween hunt. Didn't really have time to hunt during Halloween, though, more importantely, even if I had, I hadn't realized, at that time, how I'd get into collecting Boopies. Boopies tend to have a much smaller land impact than Linden Bears.
  11. Reminds me of when they were building new homes in my neighborhood when I was a kid. Apparently some teenagers stole some construction equipment and built a treehouse somewhat similar to the one in Belllisseria Fantasyland. Though much lower to the ground (still up several trees, just lower to ground).
  12. There is speculation in the Bellisseria group that #5 is a little Patch Boopie.
  13. Boopies #6 - Nessie in a Bowl - (makes super cute squeaking noises . . . occasionally)
  14. Boopies Boopies #1 - Halloween 2023 - Spooky Cat Boopies #2 - Halloween 2023 - Ghosty Boopies #7 - Snowflake - Decor Boopies #8 - Abominable Buddy - Decor Boopies #9 - Reindeer - Decor Boopies #10 - Snowman - Decor
  15. Have they fixed the prize giver yet?
  16. Pink Cream Pie - Fameshed - Ugly Christmas Sweater - fits LaraX
  17. LaraX Holiday Shop and Hop gift - Zex http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Delphinium/212/80/53
  18. Accidental Spicy (didn't realize this didn't have a shirt when I bought it).
  19. Got this one from Avec Toi (possibly from Uber, there is a ton of stuff, it seemed, for LaraX there). Yeah, I'm waring sneakers (from Maitreya) with a suit - I didn't/don't have more formal flat shoes. And the pink everything else is do to being at a themed party (I was dressed out of theme, though I did joke that, at one point, showing that much ankle skin was provocative).
  20. If I recall correctly, the ones that I see that might sell Curvy/Classic eBody instead of Reborn also sell for other older bodies. And I've seen their clothing at Roleplay/fantasy type events. It's possible they are using templates.
  21. I've seen that. I've also seen one merchant who put LaraX on the advertisement (and not Lara without X), and, when I bought and opened the box, didn't see LaraX in the box. I did see Maitreya Lara and Maitreya Lara Petite sizes, though. So I tried them. And they fit LaraX. Confusing trying to find the correct size for the correct body. heh
  22. I've actually seen eBody Curvy &, I believe eBody Classic at events and new release sections of their main store (with no sign of Reborn on the advertisement); and I've seen some clothing makers sticking with Freya over GenX. I do notice you put "almost" instead of only "all".
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