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Posts posted by embersRealm

  1. if you start from scratch and make something kinda close, while being specifically ignorant of the actual weights maitreya has, then adjust the weights so that most clothes fit ok, then that's acceptable reverse-engineering."

    okay as you already wrote , even if I  start from scratch and make something kinda close, while being specifically ignorant of the actual weights maitreya has, can I prove that ? if I develop the mesh body and, to answer customers needs for clothing, re-adjust breast shape, skin weights according to clothing fit (most clothes for maitreya so lets say according to it, not from dev kit, but for ex : trying clothes on body and trial error) so it is acceptable, but if the creator of the mesh body claims "thats infringment" and fill a dmca etc, how can I protect my product? I think , if the creator of mesh body fills a dmca, its hard to prove that "reverse-engineering" or  if someone is serious on starting a mesh body project, should they take that risk ?


  2. On 7/13/2021 at 1:42 AM, Chic Aeon said:

    :D.  So there are three (at least) threads on this subject. Most have comments that refer to "this isn't the right forum for that info"  ---- so I am replying to the one placed in the CORRECT SPOT (the MESH forum is mostly for "why isn't this working" questions).   


    I don't want to be depressing but I feel like someone should explain that "elephant" in the room regarding your project.  You seem to have done a lot of research on what is needed for an SL mesh body and that's good.  Your account on the forums is from the end of last year so you aren't technically "new" :D.   Your INWORLD profile is completely and utterly empty. 


    Here's the thing. There are many many mesh bodies for women in SL.  Only three or four make up most of the users. There have only been two newish brands to break into the long time leader ranks where creators actually make some RL money. The other creations  which are good bodies are used by a scattering of folks throughout the grid. So even if you could make a better than anyone else's body it is going to be very hard to get it accepted as one of the top three or five etc.  


    While it seems like you should know that --- I am pretty sure that anyone with the skills that you need for your project  DOES know that LOL  -- hence it is going to be very difficult I think to find folks to join you.  They might do work for hire for RL currency of course and maybe that's your plan, 


    One of the biggest issues for mesh bodies is clothing. And if your avatar can't wear "most" of the clothing of some top brands (clothing and shoes) most folks won't buy.  And of course you cannot have the body be so close to another brand that you are infringing on that's brands rights. What you really want is some creators that make good quality clothing that will also opt in to the project.  I am not all that privy to the clothing making world in SL but from my experience blogging for  secondary mesh body brands I would say that it would be difficult UNLESS you already had ties to those designers. 


    It is currently one of the slowest times in SL history -- that 'I" can remember anyway.  Each and every summer season is slow and many creators take the time off or more or less off. This year we have the release of mask and lock down orders and so even more folks are out and about and not all that interested in their virtual lives at the moment.   So the available pool of creators is likely smaller than it would be in say -- October next.  


    I don't want to be depressing -- just realistic.  So if folks don't start pounding on your door wanting to join the party -- it most likely isn't a reflection of your work, but an understanding of the virtual times we are living in. 


    Just my opinion of course and others may have different ideas. 

    "One of the biggest issues for mesh bodies is clothing. And if your avatar can't wear "most" of the clothing of some top brands (clothing and shoes) most folks won't buy.  And of course you cannot have the body be so close to another brand that you are infringing on that's brands rights. "

    Greetings, I was reading the thread, and I noticed something : well what may be the value of "so close" here. as far as I see, most well known brands are very close to each other (skin weights of those bodies) 


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