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  1. Hi, Thanks LindenLabs, for solving my problem so quickly (within 2 days they have added the 6339 Lindens back to my account) Just curious, what caused it, or what could be done to prevent it. (still waiting on answer from Linden Labs on cause or ways to prevent it, or invite to help making Secondlife Safer in this respect) I know there are others with larger problems, ( losing money in Paypal, losing total control of their avi ) I still love to help making Secondlife Safer for all of us, by finding effective ways to cut the profits of the bad guys, contact me in how I could contribute. (4longtail@gmail.com or inworld 4longtail resident / Sharona)
  2. Hi All good remarks about password safety, I changed the password immediately, did not use external password saving software, and if LL says my password is good it should be complex enough, completely random passwords are even better, just for me a little difficult to remember. ISP-based email account is not possible for me right now, may be in the future. MFA is probably not the solution yet. Just a radio button [o] Limit total amount of transactions per day to [500] L$ (may be set even the number of hours or days, if one wants to go totally overboard) It is just for all users that are worried about this, safe to know the damage is limited to 500 Linden$ per day. If you are buying a lot each day and don't want to have extra safety, just uncheck the radio button, or just increase the value to 1000 or 2000 lindens If this was in the main Linden Labs account, a change could start the Multi Factor Authentication process, and make this safer to use. For me, not buying things I might leave it even lower than 500 linden, and not have to write silly things here and waiting and hoping LL will fix the current issue. I fear they just say "Tough luck for you, read the TOS, you've done something wrong, better spend your money as soon as you have it" in a more polite way said of course. Just can't imagine other residents aren't worried the same will happen to them and would not like to have some safety threshold in place In this case I probably would have changed my password again, and not even bothered to give LL more work and your time discussing this minor LL matter. Kind regards Sharona.
  3. 1) MFA secret known: very unlikely I never shared a living (or dead) person my password 2) The service provider gave access: I can not imagine why, they should have a good suspicion, for which I did not give any reason. 3) The MFA challenge never happened. It just occasionally randomly asks me for a challenge.. not every hour. may be once a day.. When i logged off about 6-8 hours later in 30 mins time they just filled the marketplace cart a few times, and just bought all kinds of silly gacha things, Probably because these can given to another avatar, and resold again for lindens to be made into real world money. I just have no way of seeing that these gachas were in my inventory and were given to which avatar. Linden Labs has that probably, but a switchable and adjustable spending limit in MP could have limit the damage to that amount Also MFA does not get triggered more in unusual spending sprees on MP, so I think MFA is good for long term protection for ones account, it does not do any good in losing all your lindens in half an hour, or more if you are a bit richer than I was.. May be one of the causes this is happening to me, and I bet others too, might be the silly Gacha things which I always avoided as the plague, may be LL can make a policy to have those approved or limited. The scammer also gave the 1 star reviews to get some returns of the sellers, pocketing their money too, so to double the gain. May be users want to be able to switch off Marketplace completely I can imagine. I guess this change might not be popular for the moneymakers inside LL.
  4. Hi I'm all for extra safety and MFA, and have in installed and turned on... question.. Why does the extra safety level of Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) does not prevent that my account got hacked yesterday (changed PW this morning and created LL ticked) and someone just bought 6339 worth of gacha's multiple times and other stuff i dont find in my inventory, (leaving my account with 19 linden dollars) added with about 30 single star reviews in MP. I really hope LL can solve this and someone clever can think of something to prevent it. MFA did not help me in this case. Sharona
  5. so no bug for me just a messed up setting !
  6. pull down menu: Advanced Show Debug Settings ( or hit Cntrl+Alt+Shift+S ) Search for : type : Invite in the search box: it shows one setting: FSRejectAllGroupInvitesMode (FSRejectAllGroupInvitesMode: Has the user selected reject all group invites mode?) was set to True then :set to False or Reset to Default Restart Firestorm to update all settings then it should be ok again to get a group invite (I had the problem myself for accidentally messing up my settings)
  7. pull down menu: Advanced Show Debug Settings ( or hit Cntrl+Alt+Shift+S ) Search for : type : Invite in the search box: it shows one setting: FSRejectAllGroupInvitesMode (FSRejectAllGroupInvitesMode: Has the user selected reject all group invites mode?) was set to True then :set to False or Reset to Default Restart Firestorm to update all settings then it should be ok again to get a group invite (I had the problem myself for accidentally messing up my settings)
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