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Everything posted by BiliEyelash

  1. Start slow, get out in world with the starter Avi if need be, meet people, figure it out. You do not need to drop a ton of cash into SL to look good. But you will need to work a bit harder, and be patient.
  2. You do not have to do everything all at once. Figure one thing out then move to the next. It can get overwhelming otherwise.
  3. Hmmmnnn, those allowed to sit at the cool kids table seem to have a different standard than the rest of us.
  4. You may run into an issue if you have built in shadows along with regular shadows, this can give you two shadows that overlap,
  5. Its more complicated of course, subsidized grain makes it cheeper to feed the cattle. We need to eliminate all subsidies, let the market deturmine the price of everything.
  6. The single most damaging thing mankind does to the environment is industrial agriculture. When have you ever heard a polititian saying we need to change the way we produce our food? Government will never solve the problems we are facing, because the problem makers are getting rich doing what they are doing and paying off the politicians. Our only hope is that there will be enough people who figure out that they need to change thier habits and start to support sustainable solutions.
  7. There are lots of things people love to do in SL, and Sims dedicated to these interests. Find something you like, go to the places where people do that, and do it too. That way you will have a common interest with the people you meet there, rather than just meeting random people at a club.
  8. The picture posted twice so I might as well at least change it to a different one.
  9. Right, in case you need a crew for your warship. It seems obvious to me that before walking away from the computer at the very least you bring up a page that anyone could see. Like maybe a recipe for lamb chops, Just imagine if you father in law saw that, he would think you were planning on making a nice dinner for his daughter.
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