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Posts posted by dimlydoes

  1. I'm part of a roleplay sim, and canonically we have a 1:1 timescale, so 1 day IRL is 1 day in the canon of our sim. Our desire is to have our parcel's sky reflect the current canonical time. So at 6 AM SLT, the sun/moon is in a position corresponding to 6 AM in the settings, and the same for 9 AM, 12 PM, and so on. Essentially, we want a day cycle whose length is 24 hours instead of SL's 4 hours. In some of the posts about EEP, I have seen discussions about this being possible, but looking through the wiki and looking at the settings on my viewer, it's not clear to me how to achieve this effect. Any help is welcome!

    I also saw the picture below on the EEP wiki. The ratios next to the percentages, re: 0%(0:0), 25%(1:0) make me think that maybe cramming all the keyframes between 0% and 25% might do it, but that would take a long time to test. Again, any help is super appreciated!


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