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Posts posted by AdrianCoffin

  1. Thanks so much, Lady Laurel!
    I actually did get the Gianni body on my first day, mostly so that I could help out at the SL Birthday Bash, and I almost - but not quite - got the Belleza body.

    For the most part, I am happy with my purchase, though I have to spend some actual time browsing the MP and trying out different demos.

    After being in the Military for so long, and, especially, thanks to novel Corona Virus, I have so much free time that I literally don't know what to do with. Maybe this will be something!

  2. Thanks! It's really awesome that there are others like me who are in the same boat. 

    I actually had heard of mesh, but that was during the time I stopped in at SL to peek around when I had a free day (so rare!). 


    Your first suggestion is great! I'm just really glad that there seems to be a daily RL funds limit in place, which helps as well to not go too crazy, hehe. See, I have the Signature Gianni and the Catwa head. The Catwa Daniel head has two 'heads', the Daniel head with the neck fix, and another head that looks even better - with the neck missing, lol. So yeah, that's that, I guess. I'll tell you more about it when I get into SL and look you up. Not a huge huge fan of the Gianni face at this time, lol.

    My sister recently bought a Neve face with a body (it isn't Lara, it's another creator that's super popular) that didn't look anything like the screenshot, lol. Of course with, as with the Gianni creator, customer service = unresponsive, always offline.

    1) I was actually asking about a London sim a week ago! will have to check it out! And a trustworthy personal shopper would be aces.

    2) Will check that out! Taking notes here..

    3) Absolutely!

    I really want to amass as large as a social circle as I had before, hanging out at a friend's house, just chatting and drinking SL wine (which tastes better than RL wine, I guess!)! Definitely miss those days.

  3. Howdy Howdy!

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

    I was wondering if anyone has been in or is currently in my shoes. 
    I've been a member of SL ever since 'parking' was more of a thing around the time Earn2Life was a thing. I didn't have any applicable building skills so I couldn't really make much of an income, and didn't exactly want to invest RL funds into a virtual life. At that time. I'm a Premium Sub now. 

    Even though Second Life back then was a bit emptier than it is now, it felt so full in retrospect. I made *incredible* friends, and had such amazing times in places like Demonic and Voodoo. Yeah, my avatar looked like crap for a few months until I was gifted a new avatar by friends (who tired of seeing me wear clothing from the freebie bin, hehe) but I don't recall ever having as much fun as I did in Second Life. As a Homebody who yearned for a 'nightlife', it was perfection. 

    Then RL called. Entered into the service as a loyal Nephew of Uncle Sam (he is sort of the mascot for the United States Military, for those who do not know of him) for a decade and had to leave what had become my Sanctum Sanctorum - my friends and family and amazing venues, what had essentially become to me my haven - behind.

    I've been back for about a week. And never have I felt so intimidated. 

    For a fresh start, I made a new account, yet still maintain my old one. And all I see are so many changes. Bento Heads, for example, Gianni skins, etc. I do not remember who the Premier avatar developer was back when Ginko was doing their 'Let's Fraud SL' thing, but I don't think it was anyone I know now. I also seem to have a list of dead friends and obsolete landmarks. I just teleport to where they are, and spend half an hour just sitting and remembering.. Second Life has never been so full, but to me, it just feels like a barren wasteland, devoid of things that once mattered to me more than most other things ever could, or would.

    Now I just have a Gabriel Skin with a Catwa Daniel head. No neck. Just a body and head, lol, and have no idea what I'm doing. It seems like all the lindens I've been spending - thousands - are wasted on items that are incompatible. 

    So my question:

    What are some good tips for people who are rejoining SL? 


    Thanks to all who respond!

  4. I don't admire the current British Monarchy at this time, with maybe the exception of Prince Harry. Don't give a rat's ass about Meghan, the queen (lower-case Q) or the dead prince.

    Though I do feel bad for Archie. I actually smirked to myself when the dead prince died almost a month after these allegations of racism. Not because I wanted him to suffer, per se, but because I wanted the Queen ***** to suffer. And I believe that thing is suffering hard and long!

    I may not like Meghan, but I don't dislike her because of her skintone. 

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