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Posts posted by FinnfinnLost

  1. 2 hours ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    Manual topology is always required for game art ^^

    I've seen Blender's voxel remesher work for simple shapes with acceptable tri count. Although for the time being, yes, manual's going to be better for real-time rendering environment. I'm well aware ;)

  2. 1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    This would only work if everyone was on the exact same viewer with the exact same LOD settings. You don't get to specify a distance at which another users viewer decides to use a lower LOD model. You only get to specify the sequence of models.

    Oh .. and 'cammers-in' are still be able to see your model by moving their camera into your building, irrespective of where their avatar is parked. 

    So yes, it does matter, because that's how SL works.

    To elaborate, this is something very common in videogames in general. Some games offer LOD settings directly, some include it in the "model quality" settings, blending it together, but handling LOD is one of the biggest factors in performance. In fact, there exist a few games that allow the player to ONLY render lower LODs even at close range. Looks terrible, but that's how they can run on a potato.

    This is why content creators should never rely on "eh, low LODs won't be visible anyway". While lower LODs do not have to look good, the object and any states it might be in should be possible to identify as long as the object is within rendering distance. Which is another aspect

    Yes, I'm sure your fancy dress/object looks very nice when I get up close, but why should I approach your mass of mangled triangles in the first place? And, in case someone doesn't render high LODs due to system limitations, why did the owner of that pub pin that same mass to the wall?

  3. 6 hours ago, VirtualKitten said:

    I was going to suggest just ading auo weights to see what it did ? Well done though

    Weights looked fine, but with a topology like that (edge loops wrapping from belly to the bottom of one pant leg), there's just no way for a rig to properly deform the mesh. Thank you for the input though.

  4. 2 hours ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    @PharaonisMind sharing the explanation with the class? :3

    We figured it out. Unfortunately, zBrush's remesher produced topology entirely unsuitable for the mesh to deform properly in the crotch area with edge loops going all over the place. Manual retopology is required.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Benchmarking the viewer without specialist tools is almost impossible, the load placed on the client varies in the extreme depending on settings, location (location location location), avatars present, etc.

    Full impact of all settings can't be observed on the fly, in general use or anecdotally. 

    If you're not using external profiling tools, the procedure to judge a configurations performance is to get the area as cached as possible, then relog back to that location, touch nothing (don't move camera, open no new UI, use alt with no friends or groups) keep the cursor out of the 3D rendered window, give it several minutes to settle and finish texture decodes / asset fetching, observe FPS. Repeat. Any changes to scene, new avatars etc, invalidates test. Average multiple runs. Unless specifically testing shadows, disable them before starting.

    The bulk of the work the viewer does is CPU based (and why performance can only be assessed after all texture decodes & asset fetches have completed). Most heavy loads (such as rigged mesh) are of the death-by-a-thousand-cuts variety with the bulk of the work happening way before the GPU. 

    The CPU or GPU will be bottlenecking performance (one always will be). If GPU bound (slow GPU, low VRAM, etc) then rendering only changes have a far greater impact. A large proportion of SL's users are GPU bound presenting a very different outcome. Avatars are bad both ways.


    If we need an isolated testing environment for stuff like that, someone may create "Benchmark Island". Although I'd like to throw in that we don't know whether the netcode influences the "effective FPS", as in frames that are indeed drawn to the screen. Sure, this might sound silly, but we still get games that suspend drawing if the network connection acts up to this very day. While I don't think LL's developers are bad, SL's old age makes remnants of old practices likely.

  6. 1 hour ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    Which is infortunate really. Call me an envious jerk but I sincerely believe that at least a couple high profile SL creators do not deserve most of the 5/5 stars they receive given the awful support they provide and their shoddy craftmanship (and that's even assuming they aren't just contracting it out), I would even go as far as saying they don't even deserve the profits they make.

    "But it's pretty and I don't want to get banned from the store so... I guess I'll either 5 star, or not review at all?"


    That's not entirely accurate, they are perfectly happy breaking content when they deem that content unimportant.

    I really wish they would fix rigged mesh lodding. despite the huge content breakage, it is one of the big reasons why our avatars are so heavy.

    Thing is, optimization doesn't pay. People look at screenshots, not at specs. You chuck your sculpt up there, set LODs to minimum and post screenshots with, if applicable, an emphasis on the low LI. Besides, the stuff you don't see might be terrible, but some of those models are simply gorgeous. And if you don't know anything about the more intricate stuff, that's all you'll care about. Heck, some creators of beautiful models might not know what they're doing wrong themselves. Tools like ZBrush, Marvelous Designer and others I'm surely forgetting make it easy to create without ever touching more in-depth topics. Not saying they're not to blame, but it's something to think about.

    I don't blame LL for being reluctant about it. They're not a charity organization and a large part of their income is due to people churning out pretty things others want, who then buy L$ and/or have a premium subscription. But complete inaction will make things worse in the long-term.

  7. 14 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Oh they are. Animated avatars covered in stacks of rigged objects is why we can't have nice things (with more than 2 friends at a time). The performance hit explicitly due to avatars in groups is staggering and is explicitly due to rigged mesh.

    Would enforced LOD targets help this?


    I suspect it's less about the rigged mesh and more about the amount of triangles rigged to it. But that's rather pedantic at this point and yes, enforced LOD targets (with enforced custom LODs probably being a good start) would solve it well.

    Inspired by this thread, I've been investigating how other games handle modular characters. You know, characters with clothes and equipment and whatnot. No, SL was not one of them. I put special focus on one particular MMORPG, since that genre tends to have a LOT of player characters on screen which, as opposed to NPCs, are not easily baked into one single mesh. Here are some particularly interesting aspects in the context of this thread:

    - Clothes and weapons are indeed separate objects. No surprise there. I could not extract the rig or weights since I didn't reverse engineer any game files, but the clothes deform with the character's movements which really only leaves rigged clothes. Live physics would murder performance due to the sheer number of suspected animation layers.

    - In some contexts which I could not discern because, again, no reverse engineering took place, every piece of visible clothing is present twice. While this could be due to technical limitations in the method used, the pieces are placed to prevent z-fighting. Don't know what this is about, but it increases rendering load.

    - With about 30-50 people taking part in some engagements simultaneously and omitting any characters from rendering not being feasible due to gameplay mechanics (although several generic models exist), this clocks in at ~8 layers of rigged equipment per character, plus equipment that is attached but probably merely parented to a bone. While SL characters can go beyond that, if properly modelled their load should not be anywhere near the one of said MMORPG.

    So, what can we take from that? There's two possibilities why avatars can bog down performance this bad. Either the SL engine is incredibly terrible to the point where a few characters are enough to bog it down while others can handle 50 while being at least playable. I am absolutely positive that this is not the case. Unless I missed something, this leaves but one possibility. A boatload of avatars and their clothes and attachments are TERRIBLY optimized. As mean as it sounds, it's indeed the fault of lots of creators, which is unacceptable.

    I'm aspiring to create content and am struggling with LODs and LI. And I'm sure this will make it harder for me as well, but enforcing a minimum of knowledge in the LOD and complexity departments is absolutely necessary. As mean as it may sound to some. I hope some of you found this interesting.

  8. Avatars might actually be a bigger problem overall. Rezzed furniture and such is predictable, performance for it won't change unless something is removed, replaced or added. If an area is bogged down with horrible sculpts, at least you know and can avoid it.

    However, a 10000 tri hair avatar or ten may just appear within render distance at a moment's notice and ruin performance for everyone involved, no matter how clean and optimized the rezzed objects in the vicinity are.

    In addition, I'm getting the feeling that the "low LI" measure of quality is applied to every object offered on the MP, with "low" not being a variable based on complexity, but some absolute value expected by customers. I'm currently creating a neon sign outlining a human. I've been optimizing the crap out of it, retopologizing multiple times, and created custom LODs. Since the shapes are complex and curved, I can only do so much and it clocks in at a minimum of 17 LI while still somewhat resembling the shapes. Can probably shave off one or two more, but loss of detail would increase drastically.

    My point is, I see how people are tempted to just zero out every LOD to get to as low LI as humanly possible. It just looks good in the description and that generates sales. How would we even go about tackling that psychological aspect? FAST MESH is a decent strategy to begin with, but would it be enough?

  9. 8 hours ago, Mollymews said:

    you wrote quite a lot which I find pretty informative

    just on this last part, some thoughts

    I think that Linden spend to much time listening to developers and content creators who build to professional standards. Linden should stop listening as much to these people. As when they do they end up paralyised, too many considerations. Paralysis is not good

    Linden I think should listen more to the amateurs. Listen meaning observe and pay attention to what the amateurs do. Fix it so that the amateurs can make halfway decent stuff out of the box. And then the professionals can build on top of that halfway decent standard. Get as efficient as they prefer

    the criteria for halfway decent is that our amateur-made stuff doesn't crumple. And when it does then amateur pays a penalty for that crumpling. And when so amateur goes: eep! how do I not pay that penalty? And professional goes: like this, like this and like this and that. Amateur goes: thanks!

    amateurs do need a design metrics scale standard. As when there isn't then they are all over the place. The rule for amateurs is: Get your stuff within the metrics and you don't pay any penalty. Can feel some professionals shuddering already. o.m.g I am gunna pay the same cost for my super-efficient stuff as that halfway decent amateur. My answer to that is: yes. Because it is not all about you, is about the amateurs also. o.m.g! I am gunna flat all my stuff from now on and use materials for bumps! My answer to that is: Go for it, you can if you want. Lots of people do this already

    if was me, and it isn't, I would break LOD adjusters in the viewer. Like from now on its 1.125 (pick a number). The only adjuster to be Render Objects Low to High. Where High is equivalent to (pick a number). So people on older computers can decrease it down to Low. And people on newer computers will leave it on High and can't increase beyond this. (This is kinda what Firestorm does now already)

    this kinda change doesn't change existing LI costings. It just makes existing badly made stuff look like what is already, bad. New made stuff being made to the metrics scale standard will not crumple

    quite a few people would howl about this if it happened. But after a bit they will go: Gah! blinking Linden. Oh! well.  I think I get some other trees/houses/clothes/stuff/etc that don't look quite so bad as my old stuff

    I might be misunderstanding you here and if that's the case, I apologize. However, it's my opinion on the whole topic either way.

    The thing is, most best practices talked about here are not difficult for an amateur to learn. If you're going to create stuff for any domain (be it your own game or a mod/content for an existing), you just have to read up on it a bit so you can create decent stuff. It's like when you're doing basic carving. Yes, shaving off flakes from your workpiece is not a difficult task to learn, but you'll have to know how wood behaves and how to deform it or you'll end up with scrap.

    If you want to create a model for a videogame, you should be willing to learn how to model for a videogame. That includes designing with conventional tools (as opposed to sculpting the end result with a ridiculous amount of polygons and just uploading it), creating LODs (breaking your model down to its essentials) and normal mapping (to add details without it being too taxing on others hardware). You're going to negatively impact other people's experiences with inefficient work and then having the audacity to tell them to dial up their graphical settings lest they have to look at a scrambled mess is insulting. My point is not that high details are a bad thing, but as a content creator it's your responsibility to make sure your content looks good for the majority of people. It's not the job of the same people to buy a new graphics card because the creator couldn't be bothered to optimize their stuff even to a basic degree.

    I'm not a professional modeller. In fact, this is merely a creative outlet for me. So I qualify as an amateur. Guess what? Before creating models for real-time rendering and game engines, I looked at best practices for a few hours. And if content-creation is your passion, you surely can invest those hours as well, right? If you take your time and create well-optimized, you should be rewarded. If you continue to learn and optimize your future work even more, you should be rewarded. If you churn out hastily sculpted topology that makes even forgiving renderers like Blender's Eevee cry, you should be penalized. Harshly.

    To add a little rant, I watched numerous tutorials on Youtube about modelling hair for SL. Many well-done tutorials out there. But one of them seriously found it feasible to upload one single hairdo with a whopping 5300 tris. I'm working on a character model right now. Head, excluding hair, torso, legs and feet clock in at 5800 and optimization is still underway. We don't have to cater to these creators, do we?

    @Coffee Pancake I disagreed with you earlier, but having looked at some more products and tutorials... you're correct.

  10. 4 hours ago, Lydia Alberti said:

    I uploaded a small part of the mesh and only this component has this problem where when uploaded the triangle and vertices count are all the same! It's not usually the case but why is it here? Because of this I can't change the LODs - Yes I'm aware I can make my own LODs, but here it's not very important to do that. 


    EDIT: Think I fixed it by triangulating the faces in Blender. Can someone explain why SL does this then?

    First of all, don't rely on automatically generated LOD models.

    Second, I ASSUME it's how they decimate the geometry. You might have had an n-gon somewhere in your model, a large one perhaps, which could have confused their decimation algorithm. That's not a criticism of Linden, it's just that decimating while preserving volume (read: mangling your model as little as possible) is a complicated task to achieve. Even if it does work, the topology usually looks like crap. Goes double for n-gons.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Pryda Parx said:

    This was Blender 2.79. I put 4 coloured balls in a square and set these as the tracking points in Blender. As I didn't have rez permissions on that land the corner balls were attachments on the Big Boss character set to avatar center who whilst animated was not moving. The display video was made in Blender too and tracked to the plane defined by tracking the 4 corners attachments in SL.

    What you described seems to mean the attachment corners would not  be needed and the tracking could be derived from other content in the scene.

    Cleverly done and mpressive! Thank you for the insight.

    Yeah, what I attempted was basically the other way round. I didn't use tracking to translate an object attached to the tracks, in this case it was the camera motion being inferred from the translation (and scaling) of points in the scene. If it works, it offers greater flexibility, however, it requires more accurately trackable points and you need to block out the scenery to really make it worth the extra effort.

    If you want to check it out more in-depth, Ian Hubert got a few videos on his Youtube channel that explain it quite well.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Pryda Parx said:

    This looks really interesting and your example seems quite solid.

    I have used the old Blender motion tracking with Second Life machinima a couple of times before, e.g. with the hovering video display at:

    from my Future Shock series.

    I will definitely be playing with this more, thanks for pointing it out Finn.


    Oh, nice. Clean solve right there. Any advice on placing tracking points? There's little difference in color and I'm wondering how you tracked it. Couldn't be automatic detection or could it?

  13. Howdy folks! Blender's motion tracker received a pretty big update recently so I wanted to play around with it again. Since motion tracking might offer a wide variety of possibilities for SL machinima (adding props and surroundings beyond SL's capabilities, limited changing to lighting or, given an ideal setup, even adding new features to characters), I wanted to check how well the tracker works with the graphics and camera movement.


    The above doesn't look like much, seeing how I merely placed a cube in the environment, but it still serves to demonstrate what worked well and what didn't. First of all, a short explanations for those who wonder what the heck they are looking at without too much detail:

    1. I recorded a video in SL, nothing fancy, just my avatar standing around and me zooming out.
    2. I threw it at Blender and fired up the motion tracker, had it detect notable features and try to find out what the camera movements are (which is away from the character).
    3. Blender applied its best "guess" to the camera.
    4. I projected the video on a shape very roughly matching the SL surroundings.
    5. Inserted a cube for testing.

    Note how my avatar doesn't change his size compared to the rest of the scene, especially the cube and the plane which plays back the footage. Really, you could stick anything in there and it would stay roughly in place next to the avatar. That's because it's now Blender's camera moving away from the scene just like the SL camera did.

    There's a few caveats though, especially visible on the cube sliding around a bit. Blender has difficulties detecting and tracking features due to the rather muddy textures. This makes camera solving somewhat imprecise, although this is largely owed to the lack of distinct features on the ground and the hedge. Probably works better on sharper textures or, better yet, a scene with points added specifically for Blender to track. Given these disadvantages, I still find the performance quite impressive.

    So what do we do with this? A few ideas:

    • Cut out a window in an interior scene and add a huge city with details that would not be possible with LI and space limitations!
    • Land a spaceship next to a character for him or her to get on!
    • Add complex animations of animals, monsters or machinery!
    • Correct the camera motion in post-production (it's way more forgiving than you'd think)!
    • Have elements added in Blender cast lights on SL scenery and vice versa!
    • Add high-detail environmental effects like dust particles, smoke and fog!
    • Render it all with raytracing and stress test your PC in the process!

    Either way, this was hugely fun and, given the area I was chilling in, I got better results than I thought. I welcome feedback and, since this is not at all common knowledge or easy to understand, will try to answer any questions you might have. If you wonder if you can use it in a piece of footage you have for your hot new machinima, I'll be happy to play around with that as well.

    Thanks for reading!

  14. 45 minutes ago, VirtualKitten said:

    Some one said i should use these i don't have hem in blender 2.93.2 https://prnt.sc/10p9ase


    That screenshot is from Blender 2.7, looks different now.

    Check if ANY part of your mesh has weights for bones that you're not using. If the weight painting looks funky, parent them with empty groups and paint them again. Manually, that is, it's very often better or even necessary with meshes these complex.

    Moving bones, if you're exporting the armature, makes things a bit difficult to troubleshoot. Maybe leave them where they are by default and just empty their weights.

    Before exporting select your stuff in Object Mode, press Ctrl+A and apply rotation and location and make sure ONLY YOUR MESH is selected. Try the following settings, sorted by tab:

    • Under Main, tick Selection Only, Copy UVs and only use the currently selected map.
    • Under Geom, have Blender triangulate before export. I believe the importer checks triangulation as well. Oh, and apply all modifiers.
    • Under Arm tick both boxes, especially the one about OpenSim and SL (duh)
    • Under Anim, include all actions and include animations with sample keys.
    • Under Extra, Blender profile and sort by object name.

    These are Blender's operator presets for rigged OpenSim and SL, I don't know if 2.93 still has 'em. They're there in 2.92. Giving us the .blend file so we can check stuff on our end might still be the better option.

  15. 1 hour ago, VirtualKitten said:

    Hi @FinnFinnLost

    This is the import  log file its meaningless to me . I don't think i can paste it in pastebin can I is the dae file a text file? I am not sure it would be any help as you are listed as a newbie thanks though

    LOD3 Model Circle.001 loaded
    LOD4: List of models does not include Icosphere
    Assigning LOD3 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere
    Search of Icosphere_LOD2 in LOD2 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD2 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere
    Search of Icosphere_LOD1 in LOD1 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD1 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere
    Assigning LOD0 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include Circle.001
    Assigning LOD3 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001
    Search of Circle.001_LOD2 in LOD2 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD2 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001
    Search of Circle.001_LOD1 in LOD1 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD1 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001
    Assigning LOD0 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include right_wing_skin.001
    Assigning LOD3 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001
    Search of right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 in LOD2 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD2 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001
    Search of right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 in LOD1 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD1 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001
    Assigning LOD0 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include left_windgskin.001
    Assigning LOD3 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001
    Search of left_windgskin.001_LOD2 in LOD2 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD2 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001
    Search of left_windgskin.001_LOD1 in LOD1 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD1 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001
    Assigning LOD0 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include Cube.001
    Assigning LOD3 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001
    Search of Cube.001_LOD2 in LOD2 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD2 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001
    Search of Cube.001_LOD1 in LOD1 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD1 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001
    Assigning LOD0 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001_LOD0
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Material 
    Instance Icosphere LOD 1 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere LOD 1 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere LOD 1 Material 
    Instance Icosphere LOD 2 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere LOD 2 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere LOD 2 Material 
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material 
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 1 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 1 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 1 Material 
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 2 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 2 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 2 Material 
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Material 
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 37
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  70
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 1 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 1 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 1 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 2 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 2 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 2 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 1 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 1 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 1 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 2 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 2 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 2 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Material wings_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 162
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  178
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 1 Verts: 6296
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 1 Tris:  11318
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 1 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 1 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 1 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 1 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 1 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 1 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Verts: 6296
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Tris:  11318
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Verts: 6296
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Tris:  11318
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material tongue_001-material
    LOD4: List of models does not include Icosphere
    Assigning LOD3 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere
    Search of Icosphere_LOD2 in LOD2 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD2 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere
    Assigning LOD1 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include Circle.001
    Assigning LOD3 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001
    Search of Circle.001_LOD2 in LOD2 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD2 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001
    Assigning LOD1 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include right_wing_skin.001
    Assigning LOD3 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001
    Search of right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 in LOD2 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD2 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001
    Assigning LOD1 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include left_windgskin.001
    Assigning LOD3 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001
    Search of left_windgskin.001_LOD2 in LOD2 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD2 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001
    Assigning LOD1 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include Cube.001
    Assigning LOD3 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001
    Search of Cube.001_LOD2 in LOD2 list failed. Searching for alternative among LOD lists.
    Assigning LOD2 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001
    Assigning LOD1 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001_LOD0
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Material 
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Material 
    Instance Icosphere LOD 2 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere LOD 2 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere LOD 2 Material 
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material 
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 2 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 2 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 2 Material 
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Material 
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 37
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  70
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 2 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 2 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 2 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 2 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 2 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 2 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Material wings_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 162
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  178
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 554
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  708
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Verts: 6296
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Tris:  11318
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 2 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Verts: 6296
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Tris:  11318
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material tongue_001-material
    LOD4: List of models does not include Icosphere
    Assigning LOD3 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere
    Assigning LOD2 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include Circle.001
    Assigning LOD3 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001
    Assigning LOD2 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include right_wing_skin.001
    Assigning LOD3 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001
    Assigning LOD2 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include left_windgskin.001
    Assigning LOD3 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001
    Assigning LOD2 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include Cube.001
    Assigning LOD3 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001
    Assigning LOD2 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001_LOD0
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Material 
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Material 
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Material 
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material 
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Material 
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 37
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  70
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Material wings_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 162
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  178
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 554
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  708
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 1820
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  2829
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Verts: 6296
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Tris:  11318
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material tongue_001-material
    LOD4: List of models does not include Icosphere
    Assigning LOD3 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere
    Assigning LOD2 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include Circle.001
    Assigning LOD3 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001
    Assigning LOD2 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include right_wing_skin.001
    Assigning LOD3 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001
    Assigning LOD2 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include left_windgskin.001
    Assigning LOD3 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001
    Assigning LOD2 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include Cube.001
    Assigning LOD3 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001
    Assigning LOD2 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001_LOD0
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Material 
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Material 
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Material 
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material 
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Material 
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 37
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  70
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Material wings_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 162
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  178
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 554
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  708
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 1820
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  2829
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Verts: 6296
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Tris:  11318
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material tongue_001-material
    LOD4: List of models does not include Icosphere
    Assigning LOD3 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere
    Assigning LOD2 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for Icosphere to found match Icosphere_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include Circle.001
    Assigning LOD3 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001
    Assigning LOD2 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for Circle.001 to found match Circle.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include right_wing_skin.001
    Assigning LOD3 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001
    Assigning LOD2 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for right_wing_skin.001 to found match right_wing_skin.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include left_windgskin.001
    Assigning LOD3 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001
    Assigning LOD2 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for left_windgskin.001 to found match left_windgskin.001_LOD0
    LOD4: List of models does not include Cube.001
    Assigning LOD3 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001
    Assigning LOD2 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001_LOD2
    Assigning LOD1 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001_LOD1
    Assigning LOD0 for Cube.001 to found match Cube.001_LOD0
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Material 
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Material 
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Material 
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material 
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Material 
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 37
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  70
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Material wings_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 162
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  178
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 554
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  708
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 1820
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  2829
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Verts: 6296
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Tris:  11318
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD0 LOD 0 Material 
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD1 LOD 1 Material 
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere_LOD2 LOD 2 Material 
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Verts: 12
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Tris:  20
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance Icosphere LOD 3 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material 
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material 
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Verts: 24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Tris:  24
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance Circle.001 LOD 3 Material 
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 37
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  70
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material wings_001-material
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Verts: 72
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Tris:  140
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance right_wing_skin.001 LOD 3 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material wings_001-material
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Verts: 72
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Tris:  140
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Faces: 1
    Instance left_windgskin.001 LOD 3 Material wings_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Verts: 162
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Tris:  178
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD0 LOD 0 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Verts: 554
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Tris:  708
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD1 LOD 1 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Verts: 1820
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Tris:  2829
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001_LOD2 LOD 2 Material tongue_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Verts: 6296
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Tris:  11318
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Faces: 5
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material eyes_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material mouth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material Skin_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material teeth_001-material
    Instance Cube.001 LOD 3 Material tongue_001-material



    1. I asked for the .blend file, not a .dae file. With the former, I can check on your rigging and mesh work.
    2. Paste the log to a pastebin next time, it keeps the topic nice and clean.
    3. I'm a newbie to Second Life, yes. But the issue could very well be with your model or rigging work, so I offered a second pair of eyes to see if you have overlooked something.
    4. I find "you're a newbie to SL, so you can't help me with rigging and modelling" to be insulting. Cut that stuff out.
  16. 6 minutes ago, animats said:

    It's an interesting idea.  How do you keep creators from creating FAST MESH where the lower LODs are blanked out?

    I looked into mesh reduction algorithms once. The one SL uses is not very good, of course. There are better ones that would work for buildings and furniture. But really, most of the trouble comes from pushing way too hard on mesh reduction. Pushing the number of triangles into single digits seldom works. Also, there's a minimum below which there's no LI reduction, and it's around 25 triangles. So don't overdo.

    SL clothing, has special problems. SL clothing often has actual fabric thickness. There's an outside and an inside, and they join at the edges. Common mesh reduction algorithms are terrible on thin sheets. To visualize what goes wrong, imagine a sheet with a wrinkle or "dent" in it. Mesh reduction should remove the wrinkle. Most modern mesh reduction algorithms try to minimize the volume difference between the un-reduced and reduced forms. So, removing the wrinkle from the side where it goes inward generates a big volume error. So does removing the wrinkle from the outside. This leads mesh reduction to trim the edges of the fabric!

    You can try this in Blender. Make a cube, make it into a thin sheet, subdivide to about 10x10 squares, and edit the mesh by grabbing some central squares and pulling them out to make a "dent". Now apply Blender's mesh reduction tools. The result will be very strange.

    Mesh reduction for clothing needs to be done in something that knows that it's a thin sheet, and can work on the inside and outside simultaneously. Marvelous Designer?

    When talking about clothing though, most (not all) clothes shouldn't have a true thickness on the inside anyway. "Tucking in" that edge works for the illusion and has way less tris either way.

    Back to topic, automatically generating LODs is something that is very much situational. And I've yet to see a detailed model for which a simple decimation works for lower levels, I'm told UE4 generates great LODs most of the time, but that's just a sidenote. Encouraging manual creation of LODs is something I support, but removing generation altogether might take it too far if you ask me.

  17. Hi, I'm Finnfinn! Completely new to Second Life (account has been active for a few days).

    Still very much learning the ropes, SL attracted me mainly for an opportunity to chat with other creators, look at their stuff and get an opportunity to see my own in action. 3D modelling is the one creative hobby that managed to really capture me and I like to think I'm not bad at it either.

    So, if you want to chat about Blender or modelling in general, feel free to drop me a message. I don't bite :)

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