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Everything posted by kaahupahau

  1. Optimo provided the key information I was missing. Thank you for having pointed out the issues, of which I now can make sense of. The sole factor that remains is that I don't want to do that for SL. There are ten of thousands of animations already inside SL. So for me only the time is of consideration, as I have no upload cost to consider. In which case it's a thing I can ask around my team and we'll see if one of them is interested in learning that, now that there is a pointer how it can be done, so that we can ask the right questions in the future. Which, here, I clearly did not ask. Thank you for your patience with a stoopid shork!
  2. Thank you! That explains a lot! As Outworldz is making those ressources avaialble for SL & OpenSim, I guess we can assume they prepared the files for OpenSim. Whilst the files from AnimStreet, which often referenced DAZ in their textual description, most likely were prepared for his DAZ software. Then I understand, too, why the same animation in the Outworldz librars is made up from, like 5 files, whilst the AnimStreet file of the same entry is just a single, but much larger file. Thank you! It's these details that are non-obvious when looking at decade old ressources on archive.org
  3. Hmm... I took, from Outworldz, the animation "dippose-female.bvh". All I had to do was upload it - and that one uploaded with no problems unlike the animstreet-files. It is only 59kbyte in size, which may well have been the reason for its success. But I had to do nothing else, the file is usable straight away in world. The outworldz animations I got for testing are all small in size, but they include even dance moves, and so far all I uploaded worked out of the box. No aligning needed or anything... Are we sure we're talking about the same method of animations? I'm not talking about motion capture raw files, I am talking of .bvh files , which are already aligned to a human skeletal system.
  4. Hey, you can't take away the default solution needed to randomly ban nearly anybody! How else will the LL Support team stay in the training to just copy & paste pointless and non-helpful replies?
  5. Okay, as of writing this I am walking around the Welcome Hub: Design is nice. Welcome video is... It uses the youtube video symbol , so most people should be able to realize that there is a video to watch. The Videos content is covering the atomic basics, which is okay in my opinion. "Play Games to Earn L$!" is... Aggressive advertising. Looking at Temu and Farcebook, I guess such behaviour is normal these days, but like the comments regarding the "Buy Linden$" kiosk, it leaves a slightly bad taste. The TP Gate to Paleoquest is a nice touch, but, as also mentioned already, I , too, think that at least one portal to Portal Park with its many links to various game areas would be good. Also, I do think that TP Gates to to community gates - as far as they still exist, would also not hurt at a later stage, but give that a low priority. If it were for me and brutal market value, obviously we'd need a number of TP Gates to many Adult sims. But I doubt that that would make people happier, even though I guess it might improve retention rate. A bit. Especially shareholders might throw a fit in case there are any. Thinking about it: As an avid OpenSim user - my groups homebase moved there - I think that beside a stronger "What do you want to be tomorrow?" vibe (that I think might be a good thing) references to SL's uses for education, live music and corporate fields of use might be worth a lot. The OpenSim grid "Kitely" from Israel for example focuses heavily on educational use - and it works for them! The use value of Translator utilities, which I , so far, saw in no other platform, might also be worth showcasing.
  6. Thank you Rohana! Do you have an idea what to do in such a case? Can one cut down animations in some way and glue them back together once they're uploaded? My friends of the Shork Group unearthed a treasure trove of 2500 animations in BVH format from the retired animstreet website. These were published for free use in 2018, but the website retired finally during the Corona days. And I am now trying to import these animations as to enable us to make furniture and animation components for our avatars.
  7. Me. My own Mesh-Components based Avatar, inspired by Zeusdex Sharks, AVEntity Sharks and these Bento Shark components. Nonrigged components as to be adjustable. Components as to be compatible with any type of body, be it system default or any mesh body as long as it's BOM enabled . Skin by [SKS] - as I am not good with painting. As usual downloadable from the shork homepage, FBX files upon request.
  8. *kneels and kisses the ground under your feet* You're the reason I am able to access Second Life from outside the workshop or the mediaroom, and instead use it in my own room where my Odroid N2 is my trusty Desktop since before Corona!
  9. I'm from Germany. We don't have an entire month dedicated to remember the freckups we did in the past. For us it is a few separate days spread throughout the year. Then again we no longer have more or less state sanctioned/tolerated suppression of minorities, so I guess the USA needs a full month to make people remember that there are still a lot of things that need to be addressed? As a shark I am extremely vocal about equality in regards to humans: After all, a regular, varied diet is healthy. So, overall, it makes sense to me to have a location and a theme like that in Second Life. My own experience with people of colour is limited. I know two, one dresses as a Jamaican Rastafarian, the other wears what he declares is Mauretanian Khift(?). I was introduced to them by a friend years ago. The problem is, I barley understand them: The one speaks the utmost rural Bavarian and the other is talking Hessian. Whilst I speak Low German. Once we assured each other that nobody understands what the others are saying, we normally switch back to normal german, which they both speak better than me. No wonder, given the one is a german language professor and the other an author for german language childrens books and role playing adventure books. I still need to buy proper east friesian fisherman clothing for our next meeting in 2025...
  10. First thing I did when I made my OpenSim / OSGrid Character was giving myself a proper first and last name. Fun thing: I identify much more with that character as with the one here which has no family name.
  11. Well, I was told that, long ago, there were new users welcome centers, such as NCI Kuula, GNC New Berlin and others. Whilst they still exist, new users are not routed there automatically or are not even made aware of these Community Centers. Before that, there were the Teleport Hubs and and other places, like Waterhead and such. They still exist, they are still connected to the roadways that can take people around the virtual continent - but there is no life anymore around there. I visited Bay City last month and ran around there an entire afternoon: There are zero lifesigns! It looks nice, of sorts, but... It's dead. I don't know where people end up these days, but when its a lagfest, a dead end or some epilepsy inducing SnowCrash-style location, that is not going to win SL new customers. Sounds like New Babbage would be an Okay place. In general I think the community centers should be regular destinations for newbies again, where they crash into people that at least have a chance of speaking the same language, or the newbie arrival areas should be located next door to populated locations. The OpenSim'ler of OSGrid have it, in my opinions and maybe unintentionally because of having smaller userbases than the monolithic block that is Second Life, better: Their newbie arrival location contains, like Newbie Island, a basic instructions parcour - so total newbies have a chance finding a living being to ask for help when they have issues - and there is a general social meeting area, so it makes sense to go there to meet other people anyway. Fun fact: Uploading files, especially mesh components ( Tinkercad is so much fun! ) is for free there, not some convoluted and costly process to make your own glasses and clothes when "content creation" is presumably a fun pastime - in SL its a costly job by comparison. When I arrived in 2017 I was dropped off in London City which was a lagfest and had like a gazillion people running around and talking in parallel. So despite it having several positive aspects, it was too much, too fast, for me as a newbie. If I wouldn't have been picked up by my friends who were just waiting for me and who had given me their names in advance, I would have quit Second Life right then and there. Hearing that New Babbage has Landowners with a pulse ad breath makes me think that it would really make for a good social hub, newbiecenter and such things more.
  12. When I try to upload a .bvh animation I get it shown in the file requestor - means for me, as it lists .bvh animations, .bvh is a valid format. However, once I click "Upload" in Firestorm, I get an error message: "Unknown file extension .bvh - Expectd .wav, .tga, .bmp, jpg, .jpeg, or .anim! What am I missing? What can I do to verify the file is correct and intact? It's a .bvh file from Animstreet, who seem to have been THE animation ressource for Second Life around 2010. Alternatively, which other free ressources for .bvh files are known and available? Free poses would also be nice, as the pose creator at the Builders Brewery seems to overtax my brain. Regards Kaa
  13. Well, after 2 years I see where IMVU has one advantage: They are either more logical, or less caring, about a lot of things. Maybe both. In SL, you rent space for adult content in an adult sim. A year later, a bunch of kid avatars troops through the place. I was shocked kiddy avatars can enter adult spaces, though I later learned that is in and of itself possible and permissable. But they disturbed an adult RP. And, even better, the people that got perma banned weren't those kiddy avatar users... but those active at the place I had rented. That logic basically lets my brain melt. That LL does Permabans for stuff that is another persons error is weird enough. But even better, even if one would be psychic, not affected by stuff like lag and such: Shouldn't there be just like, say, a 1 month ban to make people consider to avoid such places or to implement aggressive access regulations? It's not as if SL's system is always 100% smooth, or always reliable. it's easy enough to disconnect and reconnect to some location one visited 15 minutes earlier because data wasnt updated. Such self-inflicted idiocity is one of the best things going for IMVU I guess: They don't care, or behave a lot more sane and reasonable, and don't throw permabans and pretty low key accusations around. My friends were pretty angry with me that I hadn't , basically, locked out everyone else from my place. But just because I rented a flat doesn't give me access to the land tool or whatever is needed to implement access limitations based on avatar size. All that stress with my real life friends wouldn't have happened with IMVU. But luckily their Avatar designs are that crap that I still don't need to look there for a new place for my friends and me. Nope, OpenSim / OSGrid is the future. Until LindenLabs reconsiders their own policies I just know I'm not going to invest time or money, and also won't support any SL based charities or recommend it to others. Instead, for me, it's just the technologically better alternative to IMVU, but not the place to invest time or money. That's OpenSim from now on.
  14. To me IMVU is pointless: a) I use Linux primarily, and IMVU has no native client. b) I use Android, and there is no Android client for IMVU. c) I prefer creatures with snouts, and I've yet to see anything like that on the ad pages from IMVU. Those things called "furries" look like kids that got fingerpaint into their hands. d) I am one person. I am in one location. In IMVU people hang out in parallel at multiple locations. Whilstthat makes it maybe more ... interesting than SL at times, it confuses the heck out of me e) I am an adult. IMVU seems to me stuck, by designs, behaviour and rules, in the area of eternal teenagerdom. No thanks, not for me.
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