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Everything posted by RunawayBunny

  1. http://www.healthdata.org http://www.healthdata.org/covid/covid-19-vaccine-efficacy-summary *We intentionally exclude the AstraZeneca trial results in this average as it is so much lower than other vaccines. If it is working on only one variant yes.. It is kind of useless against new ones especially if you country open for tourism. But calling it snake oil makes it harder to resell so S.Africa did right thing https://www.bbc.com/news/health-55659820 Will vaccines still work against variants? Current vaccines were designed around earlier versions of coronavirus, but scientists believe they should still work, although perhaps not quite as well. A recent study suggests the Brazilian variant may be resisting antibodies in people who've already had Covid and should have some immunity. However, early lab results and real life data suggest the Pfizer vaccine can protect against the new variants, although slightly less effectively. Data from the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine team suggests it protects just as well against the new UK variant. It offers less protection against the South Africa variant - but should still protect against severe illness. Early results suggest the Moderna vaccine is effective against the South Africa variant, although the immune response may not be as strong or long-lasting. Two new coronavirus vaccines awaiting approval - Novavax and Janssen - also appear to offer some variant protection. Experts say with a new virus mutation, even in a worst case scenario, vaccines could be redesigned and tweaked in weeks or months to be better matches.
  2. 1. Allow different avatars to listen to different channels on the same parcel I don't think it is possible without external link. All radio broadcast linked to parcel URL. 2. Not change my land audio URL and fade as one gets further away from the prim This is not a radio but mp3 uploaded and played with LSL. Music playing prims fades away when avatar goes away but this scripts plays limited amount of songs and requires upload to SL. Only thing coming in my mind parcel media changer.. or prim media linked to a music / radio service (example: https://freemusicarchive.org/) so users can select music they want. Your Xradio actually a prim media service. You can do it your self:
  3. A full list: mRNA vaccines: We assume the same efficacy as Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna (95%). CoronaVac: We use the Brazil arm of the CoronaVac trial, as it has the largest number of cases. All other vaccines: We assume 75% efficacy. Some of them works some of them better to not have.. J&J have some problems: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/janssen.html AstraZeneca: Some resources (and governments) says it is snake oil.. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-55975052
  4. CoronaVac not mRNA. (Chinese vaccine).. This is why multiple people suggest mixing different vaccines against CATastrophe.
  5. Mistakes might happen science is a trial and error. We learn with mistakes. Those examples given to disprove "speculation". Im not against vaccine I am against blind vaccination method. Why take risk while safer route exist. Example vaccine trial & error: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine Example vaccine trial & error: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dengue_vaccine (Linked to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dengvaxia_controversy) Example vaccine failure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV_vaccine_development (I think this one weirdest does opposite of what it is supposed to do.)
  6. Do you know PM Modi running a election campaign in India? Covid explosion not a surprising result. I am not against vaccine I never said something like this. I said:
  7. Sheba feels like advertisement: https://www.sheba.com/ Shiva better s/he looks like Shiva.
  8. It is dangerous I know but nowadays everyone talking about different topic in here It is kinda off topic but here: They managed vaccinate majority of edlerly population with Chinese vaccine.. Everything you buy from China explodes unless it is fireworks lol. I hope nothing bad happens. Young and middle age people will not get vaccine in 1-2 year it is estimated. Lock downs in progress and government deaf. Translation: yoksulluk = poverty.
  9. Also it is not pure speculation.. Check history.. even with enough research and time we made mistakes.. Covid different our time short and options limited so we have more tolerance for error & trial due desperation. Example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benfluorex Example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rofecoxib Example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerivastatin Example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troglitazone
  10. I agree but there is safer methods to handle it.. It is harder to archive so no one listens. Time is short and shortcuts easy. Instead of relying one type of vaccine use 3 different vaccine split population to 3 group if one group ends of with long term dangerous side effect (sensory loss, muscular dystrophy etc.) remaining population can carry on without social collapse. Companies creating those vaccines taking no responsibility for side effects you cant sue them and if you force vaccination on subject population government becomes responsible for it. So don't force anything.. it is not going to help. I am sure things handled different in USA (and other advanced countries) they are smarter than most.. But it is current state in my country.
  11. That cat has seen the world from an angle that other cats cannot even comprehend
  12. I don't understand why everyone bashing one person for speaking their mind. There is no right or wrong I think. We are dealing with a unknown. In my country new health care minister supports vaccination because it is our only option and there is no other choice available. But previous one says it is phase 3 test and not reliable with its current numbers. Economic cost to high, side effects unknown might end up with disaster in long term. It is to much risk to take for temporary rescue. Both of them right. IMO.
  13. Boolean while searching hair with bangs: HAIR AND BANGS NOT GENITAL NOT FURRY NOT TOY NOT BEARD NOT PUBIC Yes... it seems very "practical".
  14. I greet people to start conversation perhaps friendship and I am honest about it. I am sure many others have same intention.. Saying welcome to some one a sign shows that you are friendly and up for conversation.. I am not doing it for fake intention or locking you down in one SIM Perhaps welcome means something different in English
  15. I still don't understand hosting thing.. I mean what they do? I have seen club owners paying for it but I don't understand why. Saying welcome to some one just because it is your job still smells fake even if its not scripted
  16. I don't like script welcomes it feels fake.. If you want "truly welcome some one" just take your time and type it.. If you are doing it for job get to point instead of welcome describe how to contact with support etc.. Just my opinion 😛
  17. If you can't find what you are looking for you can't buy it and both LL and creator loses potential sale income. I don't know how they can fix it but problem related with sub product I think. When someone try to purchase a mesh body (head etc..) they type name of body in search. Instead of body they getting sub products related with mesh body. If they search for a sub product they getting irrelevant sub product because of search algorithm. When you search hair without switching of adult category you will get some funny results.
  18. Before reading this topic I had never though of that. Greeter shouts everyone who enters parcel so I know who is visiting. I don't do it as job (host etc..) but I say hello welcome etc.. to everyone who visits my friend's place.. It seems some people consider it creepy maybe I shall avoid doing it. I am trying to make them comfortable if they feeling like stranger.. Trying start a conversation if they are looking for chat.
  19. Yes probably they can make drama.. But it is what it is.. There is no way to check if a object shared or owned by purchaser. You can create club / house and sell / rent club with all objects in it.
  20. It is already made on many places I think. When people opening clubs they usually uses items belongs to some one else. Dance balls, club buildings, furniture etc.. My friend open a club but had no investment on club building, dances etc.. some one else who did club business previously helped out with and he got club for free.. made a few changes when finished original owner.. revoked "permission to edit my object rights". LL does not have any policy against object sharing. Edit: Becareful with gatcha items most of them set to transfer so when you give permission to edit for some one they can take your object.
  21. I understand what you mean.. yes 2FA or any form of security can't protect those users. They eventually learn to protect themself by checking URL or ignoring suspicious emails and links. This is actually user error if user not taking their time to secure their account and using same password for every service they use it is their problem. I wonder how many people doing it.. I don't know.
  22. Not sure what you mean tbh.. If you have access to victims computer why bother with it? Just ask them if you can borrow their phone and get 2FA key your self. This is a pure luck.. If you rely on this (guessing game) it is going to take significant time. Using brute force might be better option just saying.
  23. "Simple chrome addon" you need decent luck to make it work: -User have to visit your phishing website -User has to be clueless about security threat related with add-ons installed outside chrome webstore. -User has to ignore all warning given by Chrome (Installing add-on: https://support.google.com/chrome_webstore/answer/186213?hl=en#zippy=%2Cmedium-alert%2Clow-alert%2Chigh-alert). If user ignoring all of this warnings nothing can protect this user.
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