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Filo Minnelli

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Everything posted by Filo Minnelli

  1. I would like to ask advice for a man body. It is probably a topic already covered but I confess that I am very confused. Even though I look old in Second Life I am actually very young because I haven't participated much until now. Until now I have used all free products for my avi but I realize that if I don't start buying something I will never have a good product. I don't want to spend a lot so I ask for advice on a good body and head and skin set that is beautiful and for which there are also free clothes. In short, something nice that does not cost a fortune. Please note that I am a beginner so I would be grateful if you could give me for example a set with a list of necessary components. Thanks in advance. Filo
  2. I am not obliged to go to altamura product . A cheap mesh body will be ok for me
  3. Thaank you for your fast replay. May be u remember the 1L$ altamura Body with BOM ability?
  4. I can solve the problem by shielding the interfering body parts using the body HUD and this works. But in this case, every time I change clothes I have to repersonalize the HUD because it is not memorable.
  5. Hello, I'm new so please excuse me for the perhaps trivial questions. I tried to search for the topic with no success. I am trying to use a mesh body for the first time. In particular I am using MAX from Altamura which I found for free. I wore : MAX Eyebrows shape MAX Shape MAX fullbody up here everything looks ok When I try to wear a dress it shows the part of the body under the dress even if I load the specific alpha layer that came with the suit. In practice, the specific alpha layer of the dress does not mask the body mesh. What am I doing wrong? thanks Filo
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