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  1. it happens when he rezzes it says item already registered and still empty and yes he recieved it hes my partner we have tried everything
  2. well it resends them but same thing its an error they never load so i spent lindens there machines and store are still in business yet there not they dont even respond
  3. So i went from the delivery since it seems to be bugged for there things i sent a notecard to owner of store on january 17th and no response sent proof of purchase and who they were sent too and i never recieved a response i sent it again a week later on a notecard and its been over 2 weeks what should i do next step to try and get the item i even paid again and still same thing it was a gift any suggestions
  4. No I wasnt banned has something to do with the work they have been doing on sl but thanks
  5. about 2 weeks at least i havent been able to get to enarah or any gaming simm so ive tried to do all they tell you and i still dont know what they want any suggestions ?
  6. about 2 weeks ago i logged out and had played No devil which i do allot and when i logged back in it saud i wasnt allowed to go to skilled gaming areas i have done everything trying to fix and even the tickets wont allow my ticket because its imcomplete i really need help with this ???
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