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Everything posted by SuraCiel

  1. (I will give this account back to Sura , she wants to me to let her play) Although I have been around for a short amount of time, but have directly communicated with different people from SL. I can feel it is different from players of other games that I have talked to. Players from other are less invested, (not money for in game items, people can spend a lot), but the emotion, they can play the same game for a whole day, but they may not be as emotionally invested as games that let players to make/build/share items (not just SL) Also many participants have mentioned that I should join this game and feel. I really havnt heard that much from other games, that may reflect the sense of belonging where I wont experience in other places. (Of course, there maybe, just that I have not discovered it) That is why I am interested to know (unrelated to my study) what would happen if this game is gone or there will be a SL 2 when all contents are gone. I think the emotional impact may be greater than many other games. Another example that I can think of would be minecraft, world of warcraft. Some of you may find I look at things differently, or it is common sense in US, or places with well developed psychological study. As much as I understand what is happening in the West, I will also look at what is happening in the East , which represents about 50-60% of players in the world with limited / little research on the benefits of games. With a fairly high number of gaming disorders and the view towards gaming is not as neutral as the West, we may do some works about it But, that is my task, I should better get going and thank you all for helping me !
  2. It is the overall impression to gaming, as spread by the media (now that is a problem with media, we know there are less people trusting the media now), in the research world, there have been a changed of view on what games can do, it is true about the game addiction, sex, and bad people targeting young players. But that does not only happen in games (not even this game). It happens everywhere, so what we are trying to do is to discover the good side of games, and to use it to help. Just like movies and books that can change way of thinking for people. I know , we are from a smaller group of researchers but we are definitely going to turn the tide
  3. I am not those "gamers" too, I play games but I focus on the game design and the game business more. It is because there are always great people to develop games but the companies behind have made what the game industry as it is now. Why it interests me because, how does this game be here for so long without big changes, and where will this game go when everything outside have changed ? If it changes, what about the people here, it is part of their life now. It is like a small world with people close to others in different groups, there is nothing like SL outside
  4. Thank you, I am aware, after studying this game and Sura has told me about, I discover it offers a lot of contents in its own way. Before that, most will use World of Warcraft as the example of MMORPG (there are quite a number of studies on that too), but then I found that SL can fulfill the needs differently, the sense of belongness and the social needs in SL are different and also the freedom to explore the content (created by other players) of in-game world. It is like having a "second life" from the real life. But I do not understand is, why the player base is relatively smaller than other games, because of the time needed ? As Sura told me, it took her days to make her character lookable, and even longer to have a place that looks ok. And I have played around the control, it is quite difficult to use actually. The experience of the control and the experience in the game are so different , and why the game developers do not improve the experience so more people can be attracted to this game ? I just dont know and like to know more through the responses
  5. I am the creator in this survey, I have asked Sura to let me use her profile (for this time) to answer some of the concerns that fellow SL members may have. Firstly, please dont blame Sura, she is a bliss and has helped me a lot. 1) Why SL ? This study is part of a much boarder research on all kinds of game from around the world, independent games, puzzle games, RPG, or open-world experience like SL and many more. What I am trying to research is to answer the gap and misunderstanding of a lot of researches that focus only the pleasureable experience, which lead to gaming is not good for people. I want to clear this stigma through studying many different games. SL is influential in its own category and that is why it has been chosen. But other games are also being researched at the same time 2) Why do I have to write so much ? In the research world, there are really very small numbers of metrics have/can be used to measure meaning, not only because of meaning is different for each people, game research itself is a very new topic. (you may say, no I have been seeing research on games ! You are right, those are focusing on the side to prove game addiction is a disease, which WHO has actually said that) It is not a requirement to write a mini-eassy , it is not ! An answer that you feel right is great for me already ! Thank you for that 3) You are not part of the SL ! How do you view us ? What do you even know about SL ? I know you guys just try to get an easy grade ! It is 100% not that case, the method that I am using requires me (and I will) to be faithful to the answer from the players, the result will not be 10% of people think that, 9% of people do that, so we can assume (again) on this. No, it is not, I can be sure about that. There will not be a result, it will be an understanding, a theory that try to explain the answers from all the players, and what do the understandings can bring us , what can the understandings tell the game company and what can the understandings tell the world about players I hold extremely high standard to my work, I want to make people feel differently about games because I think game is a form of interaction that can do a lot more help that just entertainment
  6. I agree, let me force him to do it today I know ! I have asked my friends too, and he has basically asked all his friends in gaming to help. But it is his (I dont know how to say it), he is stubborn sometimes, he wants to have people outside the usual network to maintain the neutrality of the answers Is it what we call, the mind of a scientist ? Why am I living with a scientist, he is not even my bf !
  7. You like him to answer your concerns ? I am sure he will be very happy to answer any questions you may have. He is been grinding through reddit subreddit (I just sneak peeked his laptop), game forums, and go around game stores to find participants. I am just giving him a little helping hand lol !
  8. Give a short, sweet, condensed answers ! You can add the comment "I want to write more but I dont have time to do it, it is you ! Give me the coupons ! "
  9. You can just write your own experience, it is about yourself ! Just like me (But dont let me confuse you) said things like my relationship in game and how does it affect my rl ?
  10. I will make sure he does a lot of things, A LOT more than a drink !
  11. Thank you Scylla for helping ! I have passed your feedback to him as he said it is important too ! I am like a customer respresentative now lol (I will remember to ask him to buy me coffee). So he has two reasons for making it like this , I will quote him "One reason for inviting players to give full text answers is because, actually there are very small number of metrics that can measure the player experience in terms of meaning. A general survey without validity will only allow researchers to make assumption. In many researches, they think they have found something, but cannot really connect to the players. The experience of the players are the reflection of their individuality, their life experience, especially in games that give them the freedom to make choices. So, me as a researcher would not want to take that away from the players by using numbers to measure them" For not playing the game "It is my bad, sorry darling" lol !
  12. Hello everyone, You can find me in the world as Sura, I have a rl friend who is currently researching on the meaningful gaming experience. He has not heard about SL before so he can't post here, but he is so interested in learning how we feel about SL after I have explained SL is not just a game to him. He wants to know does it offer us meaning and does the in-game challenges influence us. His survey has a raffle of 20 pounds/USD/Euro of amazon coupons You can find the survey link here, it is a qualtrics link operated by the university , you can contact me or him directly if there is anything you want to know https://york.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2aEjfJ2LJH9ND4G And please tell me if I should move this to non-profit page lol (I can make mistake here, just don't ban me please)
  13. @Tazzie Tuque They are no modify items, so I think I would just leave them lol ! Thank you for helping me to sort this out !!!!!!!
  14. Thank you Tazzie !!!!!! As it looks blurry and makes my avatar rendering numbers jumped quite a lot, so I think I should take it off ! Would you tell me how should I do that ? I will right-click the item and choose edit, inside the menu where should I go ?
  15. Hello everyone, I am new to SL and when I was trying new clothes, I have seen some clothes from different creators that will have two layers on the body (Usually Fur/kitted style, like this image), I have tried to view it on Mac and PC but it looks the same lol ! Is it because of my graphic setting ? I am using latest firestorm viewer and have set the graphic to high, can help me with some suggestions ? Thx !!!!!!!!!
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