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Taiga Cloud

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Everything posted by Taiga Cloud

  1. Yep, I got somebody to make script for that purpose and its working, thank you all for the input tho!
  2. thanks, I know, the hud design is already complete. I just mess around with primitives now to demonstrate what I want to achieve: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/824375456685752341/864790492406218762/iPkictgETt.mp4 Please have a look how I adjusted just the z value in the editor. it moves the linkset up on the screen so only one face of the hud will be shown on the screen. Controlled via buttons of course on each face (represented by the colors) that communicate with the root prim to go up and down the z axis like that.
  3. Hi there everybody, I am not a scripter, nor I want to learn it. Id like to ask if there is a solution or product for offsetting linksets on the screen as in HUDs available. If not, I am looking for somebody able to do business with. The Example HUD has 6 Pages. All of them are aligned on the Z axis and just need to be moved up and down depending on the prim that is pressed on each page so the correct one gets shown on the screen while the other ones are outside the visible screen area. Example: State 1: Hud Page 1 Shown + Hud pages 2+3+4+5+6 are outside the screen area Example State 2, user clicks on page two: Hidden pages: 1+3+4+5+6 - Page 2 visible on screen height. ...that goes gon up to 6 states in a similar fashion. To visualize: VIDEO 10 seconds The Maitreya hud works that way and I am looking for a solution like that without getting into it myself. In other words, are there scripts like that on the MP, or is there a scripter available for business doing so? I would love hearing your input. Otherwise inworld I am reachable under: Taiga Cloud
  4. Hey, I am curious, it was mentioned to be on the roadmap and to be coming "soon". Now almost a year has passed. When will SL have a two factor login option? Any news? Links articles? Statements?
  5. Glad to see somebody else does it correct! That what you did is basically doing a proper workflow to convert pbr maps into specular maps. With specular maps we can achive physically correct shading more precisely than with pbr but face other limitations. The only SL engine limitation is the amount of projector lights that can be rendered same time and how the engine handles texture memory. + Creators havent gotten behind the knowledge to do a proper roughness+metal to specular conversion as it takes extra time and the willpower to improve your skills apart from making profit. Thats why many "materials" just look shiny overall, but have no "selective" specularity and physical correctness in SL, but it is possible to do with a correct conversion of maps. Barely seeing any creator doing such. The potential of specular maps is just belittled because pbr workflow is easy to handle while working on the textures with quick but often inaccurate results. "Creators" jumped on the substance painter train without understanding light and how materials react. - Just like how "creators" are too lazy to help the SL engine by learning to retopo the meshes properly. Cant be that a lunar top has 900k tris multifaced - thats worth a small but detailed landscape in unity in a medium sized studio game.. Now think of a club with 10 people wearing that.. A full Assassins creed origins character has 10k tris just saying...In SL we prolly need to be around 30k as we cannot play with displacement and its perks. Specular maps, multi-faced have their benefit in various older engines, if the knowledge is there and you don't lazily just invert a roughness map on photoshop quick and have a vague shinyness. Its all about the selective conversion of the parts that need to react on light. Solution for people and I sincerely hope this adds to SL improving: 1. Learn to convert pbr maps correctly into specular maps. (helpful link: https://marmoset.co/posts/pbr-texture-conversion/ ) 2. Learn to retopo you meshes correctly. (Helpful Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/33077515@N07/49207937263/in/dateposted/ ) Best wishes !
  6. Thank you, got it fixed with reading through this. Ill explain it for others who face similar issues: I hope this helps anybody in the future. What I did wrong was this: After upload I rezzed the object right away without setting the permissions in the inventory before. The item permissions have to be set before rezzing inworld. Then you have the "inventory" permissions. Those apply then when you rezz it, just make sure and check again. Now you can insert scripts etc. Take the copy and the next owner will be able to modify it. I fixed it by removing all scripts and having the mesh inside my inventory, then the * shows under next owner permissions and then I rezzed it inworld, put the scripts back in, sent it to alt, bam it works. Thank you a lot!
  7. Yup, did exactly that. All greyed out on my alt. The modify box is like greyed out in the inventory of the creator account.
  8. I am having a hard time keeping the modify permission when I send a boxed item to an alt. The object has a script that is no mod. - Fun thing, on a previous mesh with the same script it has worked. But now its not working on the next project. The object itself is supposed to be editable. It works on my account I uploaded the mesh on. But when I pack it into a box with full perms and send this package to an alt or a friend, they get the object inside with no mod status after unpacking I have bitten and hissed at two keyboards literally trying to solve this issue, and its so frustrating. I have done the following: 1. Object A (with no mod script) has mod rights and is rezzed inworld. 2. I take a copy to my inventory - And here I already see that it also unchecked the copy setting. SO I manually edit that back to copy. As I want it to be mod/copy/no transfer for the customer. 3. I put Object Ainto full perm Box. 4. I send the box to my alt. 5. I unpack on the alt. 6. I see that the object cannot be modified. I did the same with another product and even checked the permissions, there is no difference, but this issue happens. What can I do? WHat am I overseeing?
  9. Change your way of thinking and stop believing linden labs cloud will work wonders on lag regarding your pc. The majority of lags is caused by technically bad, but visually pleasing meshes made by "creators" who dont do proper topology on their meshes or lack the knowledge of optimizing their meshes they throw on the market. This wont end unless londen labs puts regulations on that. It cant be that a lunar top has 340k tris.
  10. Hard to realize, as much as id love to create stuff with displacements and what not. Just alone the products who are rigged would need the same (primitive) bones + weighting sl currently has. Instead we should have major improvements on avatar bone hierarchy. (toes for example)... Creators of the brands they run would have to adjust those minor technical differences that will come up to have the product stilll be compatible. Also many products would need to be updated for a new shader engine to work or they would be dead weight on the new marketplace, just like old prims being sold for 2k still on marketplace because they creators abandoned sl in 2007 or so. In such a case we would also urgently need regulations for uploading mesh. That means that creators have to comply with industry standards and learn to do proper topology on their meshes, which 95% of "creators" are not capable of in SL. But we can dream.
  11. Heyos, I have watched a lab gab series from april or so. They said its close to be implemented. I still do not see the ability to protect the account further than with a single password, yet i am required to hand out all my infos to tillia. The priorities are kinda obvious on LL end Is there any news regarding a user benefit with two factor authentication?
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