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  1. This should be standard. As well as the built in animator. Niran doin work!
  2. In regards to llDetectedDamage here is new FR with proposed Damage event: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-234594
  3. Windoze does provide. This PS scriptlet will list core speeds: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/perfctrs/performance-counters-portal
  4. I don't have the answers, only lindens could tell you anything about the server pipeline in detail. But, there's certainly a reason why it exist in the first place. There's reasons why they switched parts of their pipeline to http. There's reasons why they use a CDN. Streaming services like SL are a complex thing. There's a lot of quirks with SL as we all know... Could be all sorts of issues so idk. But if you are having network issues and update packet gets lost then that person isn't gonna load completely. What I can say is that I've noticed failure to loads on pretty much all the viewers at some point but one nice feature that Kokua has is the ability to reload the entire scene which always clears it up. Or, you can just tp out and back in.
  5. Release notes still gonna be there (linked in OP) just not a forum post.. not a big deal, if you wanna talk about em then make a thread imo. I agree and think blog more suitable for most.
  6. You ever wonder why the recommended and maximum bandwidth setting in options is 3000? Yea... let's just say it's not entirely the client/viewer fault...
  7. Translates to: "Hey folks, our sales and retention of land and specifically full regions have gone down. So, now we are going to charge everyone more for lindens to make up for it!" Land prices are already robbery, so no surprise there. $210 for a region? Tell us this, how many regions run on that 1 server? How much is that server? Anyone that has a clue about online hosting and cloud services knows it's a ripoff. For every two people paying $200/mo for some virtual pixels on a server instance you are able to get another server from that. Any decent server should be able to run at minimum at least 2 to 3 regions. (Being very conservative here) Amazon's services are actually quite reasonable and I know that you should be getting more than 1 region per instance and 1 instance doesn't even cost that. So, here we are. Can you even imagine the trouble SL would be in if the land whales decided to pull out all a sudden? Is that what we are trying to do with this? Appease the land barons? Were some of them starting to get a lil finicky? This may help you in the short term.. but ultimately I believe it's a bad move. People aren't going to like this. You want to encourage land ownership? Really? Make ownership of both land and regions require membership. Slash prices in half across the board for land/regions. Increase tier plot sizes. Put in mainland ownership limits per account (say regular account can own up to half region and prem plus can go up to full sim or two size worth of land) but don't limit private regions. Then sit back and watch what happens. Yes, you will need multiple premium accounts if you want to be a land whale. Because if you cut the prices in half... people would actually be interested then! And could actually retain them long term. Imagine that... if there were actual demand for all the supply!? Supply that is literally just sitting there and wasting resources currently. Resources wasting that still cost upkeep... On the good side, it's about time people can pay for their land with lindens. That should have been a thing since day 1 of lindens and land ownership tbh. Oops! Spoke too soon.. sigh. Only pay for private region. Rip.
  8. Wait what?? Lua scripting in CVLV?? Like viewer plugins in radegast? Link to info?
  9. Linkset data is huge and nice to see! Good stuff!
  10. I tend to switch between conversation window and chat bar depending on what I'm doing. If I'm hanging out in general always use conversation window. If I need the screen real estate while building or if I'm racing I always close conversation window and use the bar. No idea which one whenever the bug bites haven't tested. Well, I'm giving it another go and sorta glad I am. So far, haven't seen the bug bite yet. But I guess I didn't give it a good chance before due to movement mechanics. Server side drag n drop AO - check. Area search - check. Copy/paste build tools - check. Voice - check. Performance - Ok so far. So really, I think yea it's got what I use and need most. RLV is a pretty major feature though to not support considering the wealth of rp systems that depend on it. If there were moonwalking/directional facing movement I could totally see myself using this primarily. Does your build project compile for Mac without much fiddling and fuss?
  11. Whatever causes the UI/chat to cause the client to slow to a crawl. That. Although, I could be wrong on that, I can't remember if it were Dayturn or Catznip... FS definitely affected though and one of the others I recently tried. I do remember there was a lack of options though on Dayturn... explicitly moonwalking. Which is a game breaker to me at this point. I've gotten too used to my avatar always facing direction moving while rummaging around. Idk, I'll try it out again, but just tried it not long ago and didn't last 10 or 15 minutes before uninstalling for one reason or another. I like Alchemy, seems to work and do what I wanna do. I switch to FS when I absolutely need to use area search or copy/paste build tools.
  12. Alchemy is also good for Mac. Firestorm latest is borderline broken with UI lag bug and Dayturn is missing many current options and features others have, also seemed to suffer from same bug as well if I remember correctly. Dayturn seems good, missing RLV and few other things noted below. But I was wrong about it. Alchemy is also a good balance that runs well on Mac.
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