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Everything posted by Kawaichka

  1. It sounds stupid of course... But somehow a long time ago (more precisely, almost 6 months ago) in one of the stores a stranger gave me one thing, something like a discount or a gift card, but that time I just shifted this thing to another folder and forgot about it. This time, when I was taking apart my inventory, unpacking other things, I added this item and accidentally clicked on confirmation, and after a couple of seconds I lost all the money on my account. Please, tell me who I can contact to solve this problem more quickly, in addition to a support ticket on https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/home The entire history of transactions remained on my account, so it is clear that the money went to him, the creator of this thing. And the second question: is it possible to return it back? I hope that enough time has passed since the moment others found out about this and he was banned, because I was not alone in that store, and his account looks abandoned. So there is hope that this money will not be spent or withdrawn.
  2. Я разбирала инвентарь, распаковывая вещи и случайно одела какую то вещь, которую мне давно давали и у меня увели деньги буквально за пару секунд. Подскажите, куда я могу обратиться, помимо сайта, чтобы проблема была решена более оперативно?
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