I just tried using my mobile hotspot which has 8 MB download speed and 6 MB upload, still just a cloud.
edit: I see their shadow and I can right click them to see invisible parts of their body. Again they have to switch to a default avatar first for me to see them, but they have to do this each time we switch SIM's. Here's a gif (excuse me trying desperately to click on one of their parts) https://gyazo.com/6f332893004a801ac4d622587f738eb9
I tried that, nothing. I tried my other account, nothing. I even tried a different computer, nothing. I've never ever had this issue before and it's only happening to my friend, I can see every other person even in a 40 person SIM.
They're fine on their end, they see themselves as well. Their internet is very good. Everyone else sees them too it seems like it's something wrong with me. I don't have slow internet though and like I said never had this issue before.
Switching to another saved outfit doesn't work, but switching to a default avatar and back works.
Hi, so I got my friend into second life yesterday and whenever we switch sims they're a cloud for me. It only works if they switch to one of the default avatars and back to their avatar. This happens to no one else. I tried multiple viewers as well to see if it was a client side issue. Any help would be appreciated!
edit: I should mention that this has never happened to me in the 13 years I've played SL