Ok so I own some man land in a sim where someone has a adult themed club. Ok I'm sitting on my own parcel and this guys guest sends me a message. Call me all kinds of nasty names is there best way to say it. Not only to me buy a friend on my parcel. So we blocked the person ok cool. and I asked the club owner to deal with his guests on the matter at hand. Only to be told in this order.
1) did I read his rules? (no I did not read your club rules in a sim we share as land owners in.)
2) You must obey my rules (So ever one in the sim has to let your guest bash them with such names)
3) Do not tell me to deal with my guest in any manner. (Ok so I reported him to linden labs)
So my thing is what do I do if Linden labs fails to deal with his club and he allows her guests to come into a main land region and just start calling people hate words because his rules say they can? Where do I go from here if linden labs over looks this. Any ideas. No I'm not going to move from my parcel me and my friends did nothing wrong but hang at my house and noting more!