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  1. I saw slinks petite and that it didn’t have anything clothes wise. I have avatar 2.0 which is similar to kemono and I’m not really a fan of how it’s appliers only. I bought 2.0 early on when transitioning to mesh before knowing the true differences between bom & appliers.
  2. I was not aware Lucy body fit maitreya clothing and slink shows. And that Lucy body Natasha fit vtech stuff. I will keep this in mind then. I do like how Natasha looks for more femboys. So it’s a option. Thanks for letting me know
  3. i read something on unwrapping textures but it didnt explain it that well. i cant remember what texture tutorial i followed but i used this panel, and on base color inserted a texture with the image option
  4. some reason the textures on the mesh appear in the preview but when try to upload it firestorm says textures are empty. also i noticed the prims are large for this, I'm not sure how lowering them would work.
  5. i didnt know this thank you!
  6. i know about the free dove and freebie galaxy already. but of the two freebie galaxy's stuff looks dated. so i wanted to know what other freebie stores that are more up to date and quality like the free dove. i havent had luck with searching for sims.
  7. i actually got a asus vivobook 15 on amazon for $450 and i love it. screen isnt too small, graphics look good in sl, and stuff doesn't take forever to load. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VD71VHJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_GK1GJ53652T2B6V8NJ6R?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  8. I’m more struggling to find a pc within the $300 range that has more ram and a better graphics card. I found some with 8 fb ram but graphics cards are questionable currently I run sl on a surface pro but sl is slow on it if I have it set past meduim quality
  9. Then my next question is what’s the minimum ram and graphics card I should look out for?
  10. I thinking of buying this ASUS Laptop L210 Laptop. It has a 11.6” HD Display, Intel Celeron N4020 Processor, windows 10, 4GB RAM, & 64GB Storage https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081V6W99V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CKN0WBZM2BD1AWYH7C8Q?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 is this strong enough to run secondlife?
  11. does anyone know the ip address to lidenlabs or secondlife? i think my dad's router is blocking the address from connecting to the internet
  12. my surface specs: Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300U CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.71 GHz Installed RAM 8.00 GB System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch Pen and touch support with 10 touch points i also ran internet speed tests on 3 different sites. But when i do get get out of sl i get a message saying "the region may be experiencing trouble. you've been logged out of secondlife. please check your internet connection."
  13. if you dont mind do you happen to know of any good BoM tutorials? i will check out those bodies too btw, thank you
  14. Thank you I’ll check it out
  15. That’s my issue why I haven’t converted to male mesh bodies. I don’t want a super muscular guy. Lean, average, or skinny would be want I want. But also lots of the male heads I haven’t been able to find one I absolutely love.
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