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Foggypebble Muircastle

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Everything posted by Foggypebble Muircastle

  1. I also need the laptop to support Sam Broadcaster as I DJ. The gaming laptop I've been using for the past few years is giving me problems so I need a new one. Which company and model would you all suggest I get? Please don't tell me to get a desktop computer, it must be a laptop and I do believe a laptop can do just fine with sl as long as it is a GAMING laptop.
  2. Nevermind, I figured it out. In my legacy body's hud, in the style section, there is a place where you can choose neck sizes. I tried sizes until my neck looked seamless again. I guess my deer head affected my legacy body's settings.
  3. I've never experienced this before. I have tried relogging, resetting my skeleton and animations, rebuilding from a new starter avatar, and reopening my mesh head fresh out of the box. I've also tried changing the sliders in my shape editor and then changing them back. I have had this head and body and skin (Lelutka Erin, Meshbody Legacy, and Insol skin) for years and never experienced this until after I took off my reindeer head and put my normal head back on. How do I fix this?
  4. I went to a friend's house and I was able to take things off there. Apparently my home is borked for right now.
  5. I put on a very formal looking suit and logged out, then logged back in to find that I can't take off the clothes in the outfit. Please help, I don't think I'm dressed for a Saturday. I've tried detaching, I've tried replacing to an earlier reliable outfit.
  6. When I log into firestorm with my alt I have all my stuff, so it's not a problem with firestorm. It's a problem with this account in firestorm. Also when I log into firestorm with this account on my not-very-good computer it works there too. It's just this computer, this account, firestorm.
  7. The problem returns when I use firestorm, I can only use sl viewer. I lose all my inventory again in firestorm. Help?
  8. Cross that, apparently when I use firestorm it falls back to 17k items and empty folders. I can only have my items in sl viewer. What is wrong?
  9. I was at a club with a lot of people ad I crashed ad had to turn sl off cold, then when I got back in I got the message "could not put on outfit. the outfit folder contains no clothing, body parts, or attachments" and I looked and there were indeed no items in my 311 outfits. I looked in my inventory and only a very very very small handful of my items are there. My lost and found and trash don't have my items. I tried logging, reinstalling firestorm, and getting back in, still nothing. It says I only have 17k items in my inventory, I know I had waaay more than that. I still have the folders, they're empty. Is there some way to set my inventory to an earlier date? What can I do? Please help!
  10. I read about rainbow railroad on seraphim but I'm not sure where to go to donate lindens to it. I want specifically charity/donation events. Like what rfl did
  11. It just seems preposterous. It's pride month and day after day I can't find anything to do and I can't find any specific events aside from "Second Pride Festival 2021". Is there perhaps a big calendar of these events with landmarks somewhere?
  12. I want to support and give to the charities that are working in secondlife. Where and when are the events?
  13. Thank you, the shirt does look the same! The skirt however I think is different and I’m still looking for.
  14. https://www.connect.secondlife.com Especially this one. I really like the redheaded woman’s outfit with the jacket and black skirt. What is it?
  15. I don't like how curvy she is, I want my rabbit to look like an anthro rabbit, not a person with ears. Also I searched and there didn't seem to be any clothes for it.
  16. Ah, so some region owners might consider the Kemono to be a child avatar? That would be a problem for me.
  17. I know that furry avatars aren't allowed in a lot of places. I'm wondering about Kemono specifically. A friend of mine said something about Kemono being controversial and then she left sl before I could ask her about what she said.
  18. I want to get a rabbit avatar but some of them require the Kemono avatar. Yes or no, would I receive negativity for using a Kemono body?
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