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Everything posted by chibiusagino

  1. Just a quick update: No response for the seller, and understandably there's nothing LL can do, as they told me as much. So I think its safe to say it's over and I'm a loss. I'm just chalking this up as a learning experience, a vital one at that. I could have lost way more that roughly 30 dollars. I just take solace is knowing I learned this lesson now, early on, and that karma will come back around on the seller who took advantage of my ignorance and trusting nature. I hope they enjoy the lindens before the karma truck comes barreling through
  2. Thanks. I just submitted a ticket as I think that's what an AR is, right? Hopefully Linden Labs may help me. I'm not holding out too much hope but it is worth a shot. Good thing all communication was done via Second Life as I think Linden Labs can easily view chatlogs
  3. That's something I can do. But I'll send another note, maybe two. I'll give them one more week, perhaps a week and a half. I do whole heartedly believe I'm being scammed, but some people here with more optimism than myself have convinced me to wait it out just a bit longer. Like I said in one of my previous messages to her, if something came up or if you are having problems, I would prefer if you just tell me. I see that she's online at times, so it's not an issue of not having access to enter SL. I just hate being left in the dark with the feeling of being duped. Still, I will be a bit more patient, but if by October 10th or so there is still nothing from her I'll buy one of her cheaper products that often shows up in searches I do and will let others know. Maybe it's vindictive but I'd feel no pity. She has 8k of my lindens, 49 more won't make or break me, and maybe it will tell others how possibly unethical she is. But again...I'm trying to think positive...and am failing. I'll still wait a week and a half longer though.
  4. Thank you, this is really solid advice. I had no idea about that.
  5. As I figured And the due date was 6 days ago. We did set up a due date, one she gave me by the way, saying it wouldn't take very long at all. The first couple of days I assumed she was just running late and sent her a note saying if real life came up that's okay, just let me know when she can. By the fourth day she was online and ignoring me and my hope was vanishing. Now I'm sure I got scammed.
  6. I know it's probably just a live and learn situation but I still want to ask just in case. Several days ago, a person who I won't identify due to the forum rules, who has a very active and positively reviewed Marketplace store, we two arranged an agreement to have her commission something for me. I paid 8K upfront. My reasoning was someone with an active store was trustworthy. Naïve, I know. Ever since then they've been ghosting me. When they are online they do not reply or immediately log off. I know I'm probably just up creek without a paddle but I still wanted to ask if there anything a Linden can do? Probably not, I know, it just sucks that I got taken advantage of so badly due to my own stupidity. I guess they saw my noobie self coming a mile away. 😔
  7. Thanks everyone. I actually went to the karaoke place and asked the owner why he had it rated A as I feel like morally it puts me in a rough spot. I know nothing goes on there, but not everyone who lands might, and seeing a child-like avatar there isn't a good look. His answer for the rating base is that anyone can sing any type of song there, including explicit stuff.
  8. For instance, there is an A rated sim that does nothing but karaoke and a rule against having bits and pieces out, but at the end of the day it's still rated A for whatever reason. Assuming the landowner doesn't mind, would it be against Linden Labs rules for a child to go to the Karaoke club?
  9. A linden paying job. I need someone to decorate a single very large room in my home. Looking for a pastel pink and white theme. Plushies are a plus, as are cat-related things. Very soft an feminine. I also need help with something I don't know the proper terms to. I have a skybox and I have a texture I want for the sky but I don't know how you do it exactly. Someone told me you put up boxes around the platform and then add the texture to it. Okay, I know how to do the texture part but no idea about what they meant by boxes. If the same person could help me with that it would be very much appreciated. Please, anyone who is interested let me know!
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