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djd McDonnell

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Everything posted by djd McDonnell

  1. hallo alle seit paar tagen kann ich nix mehr im MP kaufen ! jedesmal wenn ich eine sache kaufen will und auf besuchen klicke kommt eine nachricht das ein fehler aufgetreten ist und man versuchen würde es zu beheben siehe Gyazo hier https://gyazo.com/dc1c95a32b5779b6bb6e8e9a14f5d948 kann da jemand helfen ? aderen browser probiert cache geleert Lindens sind genug vorhanden zum kaufen grüße djd McDonnell
  2. hello anyone any idea how long it will still takes to get back to SL ?
  3. the sample rate is not the problem the problem is that music is stopping and music symbol at Sl hud upper right corner is switching back to off and i have to click it on again and again ! that startes 2 days ago. i never had that problems before and also radio stream is working fine at me without interruptions so no idea what to do and i m sending with 128 kbp/s
  4. hello, anyone any idea what to do ? everytime i want to stream music at Sl the music player ( note symbol ) at upper right corner at hud is switching music off ! have to toggle it always to get back music . that problem is existing two days ago now at me . stream is running at my VDJ8 and sending . music is there and then suddenly it s gone if i toggle it s back again have to do that toggeling again and again so annoying! would be nice if anyone got an solution for that never had that before like that thx djd
  5. ohn thx for your reply there is no other big process running in bg only the norml ones like usual when streaming worked. i think it s that music symbol icon in my viewer whats screwing up cause till yesterday mixing worked perfect and i know that issue with that symbol already but today i couldnt mix my music !
  6. hello, anyone any idea if it is a known issue, that the music symbol ( SL player) upper right corner in HUD is always getting off and music s gone . it s annoying you have to always click it again and music is back for a short time and then the same thing again. pls if someone knows how to fix it pls help thx djd
  7. hello, anyone any idea if it is a known issue, that the music symbol ( SL player) upper right corner in HUD is always getting off and music s gone . it s annoying you have to always click it again and music is back for a short time and then the same thing again. pls if someone knows how to fix it pls help thx djd
  8. hi. anyone any idea or information got the same certificate error unable to connect to server contact your grid Admin whoever it is xd? thx
  9. i gave it up to login waiting here for a go
  10. it it will not take any connection requests we cant get in
  11. jarvis i ment your statement abt the issue not you personally the issue sounds bad
  12. still the same cant get back in maybe cause i m in europe
  13. kill that auto self test system cause later returning issues xd
  14. Sammi you re not longer in the game xdddd just wanted to mention that
  15. a little little bit annoying to sit here and wait i already was getting me cigs at the gastation cooked some food back and still no sl too bad
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