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Posts posted by WineOtter

  1. 12 hours ago, Beq Janus said:
    llSetAlpha(0.0, face);

    So in that regard it won't affect the complexity. 

    It might cut out the draw call for that face (which, according to your blog, is a big performance win) but I don't see it affecting avatar Complexity in live tests. In fact, setting a face's whole Transparency to anything besides 0% knocks the face out of emission or alpha mask mode. I've been making faces invisible by assigning a clear default texture and using alpha mask mode instead of alpha blend, to avoid the 4x Complexity rating hit. That's not compatible with this. Seems I now have to choose between what is effective or what everyone else thinks is effective.


    Complexity itself is a worse than useless value

    I've read that before, but it's the only one the viewer uses to determine whether to jellydoll you.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Beq Janus said:

    most if not all viewers now have an optimization in place that prevents the rendering of fully transparent meshes

    What makes a material "fully transparent"? 100% in the transparency field? If so, will that artificially inflate Complexity by forcing that face into blended alpha mode?

  3. 8 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Now Sumo wrestling I would definitely watch.

    The big sumo tournaments in Japan run the first half of every odd-numbered month. They're pretty common. You should be able to find a livestream on YouTube.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 43 minutes ago, sandi Mexicola said:

    If you are using FS, you can right-click your tag, and in the menu there is a "Scripts" option that will tell you various things about all of the scripts you are running, including the total time used. 

    Thanks! That's coming back consistently with about 0.065 ms.

    • Like 1
  5. 29 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

    if  the Fair script is only scanning each visitor one time (on first detection) then to get the result that is, it will be that the time period between first detection and scan is zero

    It happened twice. The first was after more than a minute, and the second was at least five minutes in. The second also reported a higher load off fewer scripts because I'd removed some items.

  6. After I got multiple automated tells in some of the Fantasy Faire shopping zones that my scripts were causing lag with a running time of over 0.2 ms, I tried testing them myself. None of the existing script load measuring objects I knew about in-world report time load, so I looked up some code samples and threw this together:

        touch_start(integer total_number)
            list AttachedUUIDs = llGetAttachedList(llGetOwner());
            integer i = 0;
            float total = 0.0;
            while (i < llGetListLength(AttachedUUIDs) )
                list temp = llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(AttachedUUIDs, i), [OBJECT_SCRIPT_TIME]);
                total += 1000.0 * llList2Float(temp, 1);
            llOwnerSay("total ms: " + (string)total);

    Right after I zoned into a Faire sim it reported 0.11 ms, but since then it's bounced between 0.045 and 0.065.

    Now, the docs do say this is average over the last 30 seconds or however long I've been in the zone, whichever is less. They also say it excludes HUD attachments (because llGetAttachedList() doesn't include those and I don't see another LSL function to fetch them), so I don't know if I'm measuring the same thing, but I don't know how I was getting measured as causing so much load. Can anyone help me out?

  7. I have an unlooped eyeblink animation. A simple script starts it every few seconds with a timer(). I notice that sometimes it plays twice in quick succession or doesn't run to the end and leaves me squinting. This is the only script calling anything that moves my eyelids, and I'm pretty sure it happens with my AO off. I even tried marking about 3/4 of it as Ease Out and that didn't change anything. Does anyone know what's going on or how to fix this?

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