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Posts posted by Inguza

  1. Hi everyone !!!
    Im new here and i have some questions about creating objects.
    I have already made tons of plants/animals with blender for others free games and now i want to use some of them here, but i have not understand some things in the tutorials. (anyway is my first time exporting to .dae)
    First, i want to upload some of my plants but i dont know if there are some kind of limit for vertex or how can i make them move with the wind (the other game use a fx_wind vertex group but i dont know if it works here).
    Second, i want to know if i can upload object with parts which uses diferent textures.
    Also i want to know how can i acces to Aditi because i haven't find anything like a request for that in "submit a ticket".

    Here is the first plant i want to try: Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria Araucana)

    Thanks :)

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