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Everything posted by kirishimarabbit

  1. I would imagine this would make Lindens Labs less likely to hear you out. I can't tell you what to do, but if I were you I'd stop making accounts and do whatever is in your power to speak to LL regarding your original ban. They know you're ban evading and considering you are still knowingly breaking the rules, they probably have little time to hear you out. That's not to say you don't deserve another chance. I truly don't know, you very well could! I'm just saying how I would view it were I LL.
  2. I'm very good about keeping my home bunny-proof but I am only human. Yesterday, after rearranging some furniture, somehow my living room television's power cord slipped out of its bunny-proof cord sheathe. Today I finally go to plug the tv back up after realizing I never did only to find the cord chewed in two near the prongs. Oh the joys of being a sometimes absentminded rabbit mama.
  3. Mostly like it is, but I'm sure there are some troublemakers who are a bit too lazy to learn how to circumvent permabans to get back on the grid undetected. So though permabans probably do cast a very small net over those who need to be banned, I do think it manages to snag some.
  4. I would imagine to be permanently banned from Second Life you would have to repeatedly do some pretty egregious things that go several steps beyond childish trolling. I say this only because I'm aware thanks to Youtube of some individuals who have been trolling the grid for nearly a decade on one account. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I think you have to be very horrible and most of all stubborn (one-strike, two-strike, etc) to meet this fate. In that case, I don't believe one should be unbanned. Repeated past behavior helps predict future behavior. They'd probably go back to being awful and disruptive in no time.
  5. Frankly I didn't know this was a common subject. I haven't been around these parts all this long, and I've been gone for a few months to boot.
  6. I think this probably sums it up well. Most companies, with some exceptions, just don't care. That has to hurt. I know that some people depend on their Etsy income. I'm aware that for some making sales for your hard earned work on Etsy sometimes means the difference between making rent or not for the month.
  7. Yeah. And I would imagine any Copyright checker in Second Life would be near impossible, unless other games got savvy and wanted to curb game rips in general and began encoding something in their models just to start with. It's probably more trouble than it's worth for many companies.
  8. I suppose that does make sense. It also makes sense that the StarWars fandom has faced that strife. Being owned by a certain Mouse tends to do that.
  9. I believe that is how it works as well, now that you mention it. I'm surprised that no copyright holder (to my knowledge) has targeted Marketplace yet. Copyright holders have gone berserk for less, a la the House of Mouse.
  10. I wish I could help you but I've never used a Kupra body so anything I said would just be generalizations about BOM and what not. But I did want to say cute original character!
  11. Now, more so than ever, I've noticed a large increase of items and avatars ripped from other games being sold on MP. I happen upon them inworld from time to time too. Partially due to the places I frequent and my interests. I know that copyright is being breeched here, and sometimes I worry perhaps unnecessarily about Second Life getting into trouble due to what people upload here. When I brought this subject up to a friend, they told me that in their belief having copyrighted material on Second Life is no different than a social hub like VRChat having it. And it is true VRChat is littered with it. Though it may not make any difference to the law, I've always viewed VRChat a bit differently as there is money (or Lindens, or Lindens equivalent) being exchanged for the avatars and assets there. No one is profiting off of someone's else work. No less illegal, but probably not as high on some company's sue list either. But then there's Second Life. I recently saw a 1-to-1 rip of a game avatar posted over on Market Place for well over 2,000 Lindens. It seems shady. But then again Linden Labs is, as of now, is allowing it so I'm probably just being a Sensitive Susan. How do you view this? Should LL intervene or do you view it as harmless? What are your thoughts on the buyers or, more interestingly, the uploaders? Differing opinions are always welcome on any threads I post. Most of the time I prefer them.
  12. Absolutely cheery. Here is a picture of me sitting in the pouring rain, having an existential crisis.
  13. Hairy. Like super hairy. Fluffy even. A cute poofy backside and silky upright ears (or long and droopy, I don't discriminate). Alert, twitchy noses are also a must! If he doesn't look like this, we don't want him. Ladies, am I right?
  14. I'm a big fan of the Crusader Kings video game franchise, and I recently found this guy who does some pretty entertaining (and very weird) playthroughs of CKIII.
  15. People who are passionate about whatever moves them. It's only natural to have interests, and some people have more intense fixations than others. Even if I don't "get it" I still find it kind of endearing how we humans are so fundamentally the same yet so different, like in what captures our attention and invigorates our imagination. Second Life is a great conduit for this; our imaginations - I think that's part of the reason I enjoy it so much.
  16. I got some wholesome memes to share, if you don't mind that variety.
  17. I find I judge people far more by how they look in real than I do on Second Life. In real life, how a person presents themselves can sometimes tell you a lot about them. The same can be argued for SL, but I think on SL it comes more often than not down to the "fun" factor. Whatever you have fun wearing, being then do it! Your actions and how you treat other in-world should speak far louder than how you choose to present yourself.
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