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Annie Evergreen

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Everything posted by Annie Evergreen

  1. I'm trying to figure out what a (cactus emoji) picture is.
  2. One of the big complications for the situation is where the age line is drawn for child. If you're looking at a toddler or younger pre-puberty young person, there's a general consensus if it's a kid or not. Once they cross over the puberty line, if it's a rl person with a rl personage and birthday, under the age of (whatever the age in your country may be) then it's a child. Even if they look like an adult. There are plenty of girls in middle school or high school that could be described as voluptous. Plenty of boys age 12 and up could look adult. The question is, in SL is someone with a well-developed physique automatically an adult? And is someone who shows less of the physical adult markers automatically a child?
  3. Peeve - when everyone's telling all these stories about all the socks they have, any you realize it's been years since you had any good socksy stories to share.
  4. She was amazing in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, as a teacher you'd never want around your kids.
  5. Strictly as a YMMV, personal observation only, I'm finding locations in the past few days that I would consider much nicer than the ones I found the first few days the Mediterraneans open up. By "nicer" I mean subjectively based on nothing more than whatever strikes my fancy right at the moment I see it, and may change based on a whim at any time. I picked up a couple that I might hold onto for a while.
  6. Usually what I do if I have a jacket or coat I want to wear, I find a close-fitting sleeveless shirt to go under it, and pair that with BOM jeans. There's a lot of them around. Edit to add: Not every long top will fit over every pair of jeans, unfortunately. You have to just try them one by one until you hit the right combination.
  7. I'm outing myself here. I sent the IM about please consider changing your post. I wasn't trying to be rude. I wasn't trying to silence anyone. I sincerely was concerned that people might read the post and get a bad impression, for something that may not have been a true representation of how Love would want to be perceived. I know now that I crossed a line, and I apologize. While I'm apologizing, I might as well mention that I ran into Sid at an event, complimented his avatar, and in the process may have made him uncomfortable. I wasn't trying to pick him up, it was just me being socially awkward. Sorry to have offended so many people.
  8. Quartz Mole had mentioned in another thread that if anyone had suggestions on how to improve mainland, start a topic. Here I am, starting one! I've been thinking about this for a while now. There's lots and lots of empty abandoned mainland. Suppose LL took some of those odd irregular parcels, and let people decorate them in a way to enhance the world. Let's say, set a place temporarily so one resident can build a little pocket of interest. No longer than 2 weeks. During that time, the resident can place buildings, landscaping, trinkets to be found, whatever they think will make the world a better place. At the end of the two weeks, the moles come out, change the permissions so the temporary decorator can't make additional changes. Then they decide if it's actually an enhancement or a giant detriment, and either lock the items in place for enjoyment by all, or remove/return them and make a mental note not to let that person try decorating for them anywhere else. With 20 years of items that members have purchased, there's an enormous variety that can be put out. Obviously not no-copy items. But for anyone who sees something and think it's amazing, they could click on an item and get the name and maybe purchase it for themselves. It could drive sales. It could also encourage people to move into abandoned land that's near a nicely decorated area. It could be sort of an ongoing contest, do a certain number every month, the only prize would be bragging rights.
  9. Make outfit, save outfit, take pic of yourself looking cute in outfit, upload and attach pic to outfit. Repeat x 200.
  10. I've been having this issue on my home in Bellisseria too. I have to stand at home, get dressed, then go somewhere else to save it as an outfit. It's an inconvenience, to say the least.
  11. To make sure this all stays on track, I'd like to say I've been a customer with the creator in initial post all the way back to my first avatar, back when everyone bought separate Slink feet, and have been happy with my transactions all this time.
  12. I'm one of those who won some of the big-name store giveaways. Some on facebook. Some in-store giveaways. I quit doing facebook a while back because they are too insistent on verification of real-life info. I won a couple of times EACH on the two big women's clothing stores, simply because I did it when they first started the facebook contests, and there weren't that many people entering. I can't prove it because I am a serial name-changer and have been through half a dozen names in the past couple of years. Won a big in-store thing for that furniture decor place that gives away big prizes every week. Again, can't prove it, I change my name a lot. The thing is, I don't know these people, they don't know me, I buy stuff in their stores and leave. There's no hidden link between us. I can't say that's the case for every winner or every contest, but for sure nobody is picking me for anything because of my "connections."
  13. I've noticed that when I leave a group, sometimes it takes a while to stop receiving notifications, sometimes as long as 2 weeks. Sometimes the chat windows will pop up for a few days too. Eventually it sorts itself out.
  14. I'd prefer that people I meet in SL don't share a lot of specifics about their real life. I don't need to know someone's age (unless they're not adults yet), health conditions, employer, income, specific location, or marital status. Have some fun, hang out with whoever happens to be around.
  15. A lot of muted tones. It gives me the feeling of wistful sadness. Like a longing for something that's passed, that you can't touch. Edit to add: Just because it gives me those feelings doesn't mean I don't like it. I liked those old telephone commercials that made me cry, too.
  16. The Catwa Freya was given out as a gift a while back - can be switched between male and female neck sizes. I don't know if it's still being given out, but it's something to check. I was able to get some decent male looks from it, young to older depending on the skins.
  17. From the announcement page: Accepting Linden Dollars for land payments - a convenient new option for Premium Plus members This looks like it will be for premium plus members, not everyone else.
  18. Hair Fair supported Wigs for Kids. I will leave it to you to decide if this is something that interests you. I understand needing to go. I appreciate your contribution here.
  19. Just a note here, since there's a lot of fans of the LAQ Decor furniture- if you're searching for them, they've changed the name recently to Heima Decor.
  20. I just let 2 linden homes go back up for grabs today. Having some serious talks with myself about downgrading accounts and using the money saved to pay down some bills. Got a couple coming up for renewal between now and spring. Right now all I have is a 512 mainland, testing to see if my alts can live on it. Game of Homes has been the main activity for the past couple of years, and I need to see if there's something else to interest me in SL.
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