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Signal Linden

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Everything posted by Signal Linden

  1. A serious but non-destructive bug forced us to roll the version back (Details are in the comments of BUG-234277.) Once we have this patched the release will be re-deployed during a regular RC roll window.
  2. This week we rolled a maintenance update to Second Life's production grid. This release contains a handful of small features and bug fixes as well as some housekeeping and internal improvements to how we address assets. Scripting Detect Animesh You can now detect whether a prim is mesh or has animesh enabled using llGetPrimitiveParams: When multiple keys are deleted using llLinksetDataDeleteFound the linkset_data event will be called with the action LINKSET_DATA_MULTIDELETE. Estate management Backend changes have been made to support an expansion of estate manager and ban list entries. This bump will be available to users as part of a future viewer update. Old value New value Estate manager limit 15 20 Estate ban list limit 500 750 Bug Fixes BUG-233830 - Issue with llRequestAgentData() & DATA_PAYINFO never updating. As usual, see the full list of bugs and features on the release notes. Happy summer. 🌇
  3. We’re opening a small set of sandboxes for testing in preparation of introducing GLTF PBR content to the main grid. Please note, these regions are experimental – any content created or modified on these regions and then used in regions that are not materials enabled may exhibit undefined behavior and become permanently damaged. Such content should not be offered on Second Life's Marketplace until future notice. In order to view PBR materials you must use the GLTF Material Import Project Viewer. As we roll out GLTF PBR materials in the coming weeks, expect a patchwork of support for material assets across the grid. A quick way to tell if the region you’re on is materials enabled is to check if “Build->Upload->Material…” is enabled: On materials enabled regions, this option will be available and allows for the import of PBR materials from GLTF assets. Only materials are imported at this time –you must still import meshes via COLLADA. Future work will add support for GLTF scenes and models, but you can start building with GLTF PBR materials today. Currently support is limited to a handful of regions that have been carefully selected. If you want to experiment with materials in a sandbox setting visit one of the following regions: Rumpus Room Rumpus Room 2 Rumpus Room 3 Rumpus Room 4 Rumpus Room 5 Download the Viewer here For more technical input, please file a Jira - Second Life Viewer Team
  4. To confirm, you can generally expect rolls to follow the standard release schedule (https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Simulator_Release_Schedule) unless there is something that needs an emergency response. This means: expect your region to restart at least once a week on Tuesday or Wednesday, SLS or Release Candidate (RC) channels, respectively. In other news:
  5. Second Life's next Server regular maintenance release is scheduled to roll out to the full grid next week (2023/06/27.) This update contains quality of life improvements for builders and several bug fixes. Building Max linkset size now 64 meters The maximum size for a linkset has been 54 meters since 2010. This has posed problems for builders as it is smaller than the maximum object size of 64m. In order to allow creators to do things like create a house out of a single large mesh object and link furniture on either sides of it we have bumped the max linkset size to match max object size. Old (54m) and new (64m) max linkset sizes. Scripting HTTP PATCH and HEAD support Scripters who interact with external web services and APIs can now use HTTP PATCH and HEAD methods with llHTTPRequest. llCreateLink sleep time reduced Scripts can now create links 10x faster: llCreateLink sleep time has been reduced from 1s to 100ms! Bug fixes Fixed an issue where groups could be accidentally disbanded when removing a single agent Fixed an issue where group owners could not leave a group Fixed an issue that would prevent objects with LinksetData containing certain keys could not be rezzed or attached For a complete list of features and bug fixes see the release notes: 2023-06-09.580543
  6. Due to the frequency of Second Life Server updates, the presence of a regular schedule and availability of release notes, we will no longer be publishing weekly release plan threads in the Second Life Server forum. To compensate for this, we will be publishing more blog posts such as the Spring 2023 Scripting Summary and smaller posts when new functionality is introduced. This is intended to strike a better balance between communicating meaningful changes and pushing paper around while allowing SL to share release contents more broadly. This does not mean that we will never publish threads with details on notable server releases, nor that residents cannot discuss releases on their own. Second Life rolls out updates to Grid almost every week. We host a weekly in-world Server user group meeting to discuss changes and publish release notes to releasenotes.secondlife.com. In-world user group meetings and published release notes may seem like an acceptable level of engagement to some of our residents, but we believe we can better serve the community with more frequent blog posts that provide greater insight into the features and fixes we are releasing and are not as easily lost in internet forum ephemera. Apologies for the delay in getting a decision communicated, and thanks for highlighting when we are not meeting expectations. If you have ideas on how to better share release news, questions or concerns please let us know below.
  7. As spring winds to an end it may be a good time to stop and smell the Linden Scripting Language (LSL) controlled flowers. In the past year, Second Life's server team has placed an increased priority on delivering useful new functions and enhancements for scripters. This blog post contains highlighted features released in the past six months; maybe there's something you missed! 💾 Linkset Data (LSD) Likely the most prominent new feature introduced to LSL in recent history, Linkset Data (LSD) provides 128KiB of persistent memory which is shared by all scripts in an object. This functionality scratches several itches which have plagued scripters for some time: a desire for memory that persists between script resets and better conventions for inter-process/script communication. Prior to its introduction, many awkward techniques were used to persist and share data between scripts, including placing data in external HTTP APIs and using the age-old trick of storing data in object descriptions. No more! ⚡ At its core, LSD is a key-value database associated with the root object of a linkset. The data stored in LSD is persisted between script resets, object transfer and copying. In its simplest form, a script can write, retrieve and delete data using llLinksetDataWrite, llLinksetDataRead and llLinksetDataDelete while the event linkset_data may be used by any script in the object to be informed of changes. llLinksetDataWrite llLinksetDataWriteProtected llLinksetDataRead llLinksetDataReadProtected llLinksetDataDelete llLinksetDataAvailable llLinksetDataCountKeys llLinksetDataListKeys llLinksetDataFindKeys 🙂 Miscellaneous Environment control - Scripts are able to control environment settings using two functions introduced in August 2022: llSetEnvironment and llReplaceEnvironment. Simulator statistics - llGetSimStats has been enhanced with over 25 new statistics, mirroring much of the data displayed in the viewer statistics panel's Simulator section. You can now set an object property that causes objects to die with no warning if they hit a no-entry parcel using llSetStatus(STATUS_DIE_AT_NO_ENTRY). This is useful for bullets and other objects that would otherwise become lodged in the air at parcel boundaries. HTTP custom header size and accounting has been changed. Scripts are no longer limited to 8 256 byte custom header. LSL Now provides a 4k pool of memory that may be used for custom headers in whatever way the scripter wants. Wrap up Phew. In all, more changes have been made to LSL in the last six months than several prior years combined. That's a lot, but we always want to hear more ideas about how best to improve LSL and the tools available to content creators. If you are interested in hearing about scripting and other areas of development, we encourage you to attend one of Second Life's user group meetings or submit your idea to Jira. Many of the features in this post come from resident submitted requests. Thank you for loving Second Life just like we do. Happy scripting!
  8. We've been threatening to do this for 16 years... Second Life will be ending support for LSL's long deprecated XML-RPC methods later this year. Full information here:
  9. LSL XML-RPC is a deprecated method for communication between remote systems and LSL scripts. Its use has been cautioned against since the introduction of LSL HTTP-In functionality in 2009. We plan on shutting down LSL XML-RPC completely on June 1st, 2023. Rationale As of 2023/03/21, the average amount of traffic served by XML-RPC has dwindled to a few dozen requests per hour. Considering this extraordinarily low amount of traffic and the fact that LSL's more modern HTTP in/out functionality has been available for over 16 years, maintaining LSL XML-RPC infrastructure does not represent a good use of development resources. We'd rather spend time developing new features! 😉 Timeline April-May 2023 - One or more unannounced circuit-breaker exercises will be performed by temporarily blocking incoming LSL XML-RPC traffic. This will give residents and Lindens a chance to experience XML-RPC shutdown and perform any required corrective actions (Upgrading scripts to HTTP-In, etc.) before permanent shut down. May 2023 - XML-RPC will be permanently disabled on RC regions June 2023 - Incoming LSL XML-RPC traffic will be permanently blocked across the grid. Running LSL scripts that use XML-RPC functionality will continue to function to the extent they can with XML-RPC functions no longer doing anything. If you have functionality that depends on XML-RPC, please migrate your scripts and supporting services to HTTP-In. If you have questions or concerns feel free to attend the Simulator User Group meeting, held Tuesdays, 12:00 PM Pacific in Denby. Update: 2023/05/03 - XML-RPC circuit breaker has been left open, as we have not received any indication of XML-RPC impacting production systems. This post's timeline has also been updated to reflect the RC deploy schedule.
  10. Fully agree here that this needs to be dealt with better --but it'll be better to make changes to behavior as part of another release. By keeping platform upgrades separate from changes to functionality we can more easily ensure there's no regressions in inventory behavior. We have a lot of tickets pertaining to no-copy items going missing under various circumstances. I can't promise a priority, but content loss is taken seriously. I'll make a note to bring up the no-copy loss problem area internally.
  11. Your first assumption is correct: all agents on Aditi are using updated AIS. I've modified the instructions a bit, any region will do, but the Cloud Sandbox regions are running some commodity RC builds. Thanks.
  12. You're right, but fortunately it's been soaking for some time before this public announcement. Anyone on Aditi has been using the updated AIS for a few weeks now.
  13. We are working on improvements to the inventory service and need help testing on Aditi. Specifically, we are interested in any new variation in behavior between Agni and Aditi. Instructions Log on to the beta grid. For details on how to access Aditi, see instructions here. (Optional) Visit one of the "Cloud Sandbox" regions, or the Morris sandbox. All regions on Aditi work against the new AIS, but using one of these will keep you on a standard release channel. Start testing everyday operations that impact Second Life inventory - update/copy/modify items, change outfits, give an object to another Resident, etc. Compare your results with the production grid (Agni) If you find issues or unexpected behavior that is different from what you experience on the production grid, file a Jira issue! The window for this testing period is now until March 6th. Technical details Second Life's agent inventory service (AIS) handles all agent inventory operations that happen in Second Life. It is comprised of a large Django application hosting multiple API versions (v1 to v3) which have been deprecated for years yet never fully excised. In preparation for new feature work and, ultimately, moving clients off of the deprecated API versions, AIS is receiving some sorely needed framework and python version upgrades. Considering how critical AIS is to in-world experience, we are giving its upgraded version an extended soak time on Aditi. Help vetting the upgrade is welcome!
  14. If anyone wants to give the new llHMAC , llVerifyRSA, llSignRSA and expanded llGetSimStats LSL functions a shake on Aditi, the next release candidate build has been provisioned to the following regions: - Cloud Sandbox 2 - Cloud Sandbox 3 - Cloud Sandbox 4 Release notes are the same as 2023-01-27.577942, but there is a different build ID, replete with fixes for the bug that caused Wednesday's RC rollback.
  15. You're in luck: the release notes pages are now up to date. Unfortunately, this is only because the latest RC release is being rolled back . https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/simulator/2022-11-11.576542.html will remain the primary production version for now.
  16. Release notes threads haven't been abandoned but you're right: we've missed recent weeks'. Expect to see more threads in 2023. As a reminder, you can always find release notes at https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/index.html. Thanks for noticing and highlighting their absence though, threads provide a good home for conversation about the contents of the release notes, and often their human-friendly summary is more useful than a list of ticket numbers and titles.
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