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Posts posted by Nelyafin

  1. On 1/11/2024 at 2:18 PM, Maitimo said:

    I won't let my alt near the forum. All they'll do is make snarky comments at me. 😁

    Lies, all lies.

    On 1/11/2024 at 2:44 PM, Love Zhaoying said:

    Some of you jerks should make a really (actually) nice alt and be my friend! 

    Maddy comes up less and less in these discussions. I miss her.

    I'm nice. Just, incredibly boring.

    And yes, we miss Maddy too. Hope she is okay.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    To make a BOM Applier is very easy.

    BOM is just a texture, that SL has been told to display something else when it encounters it.

    The list of all BOM textures is here:


    To make an eye applier you just need to apply "52cc6bb6-2ee5-e632-d3ad-50197b1dcb8a" to the eyes.


    Yes, I did that with the separate mesh eyes which are mod. But the Genus rigged eyes are no-mod. That's the part I can't figure out.

    In any case, if the eye is too small using the hud from the MP, it will also be too small if I make my own, yes?

  3. 17 minutes ago, Gregorian Chant said:

    @Nelyafin, you can either pickup the developer's kit and make your own relay like @Pauck did or pick up this HUD on MP.

    It never occurred to me that we could make our own BoM HUDs with developer kits, so thanks @Pauck for the great tip!  You saved Greg a few Lindens.


    I have no clue how to use a developers kit but I picked up that relay off the MP and ... well, it works, but the results are unusable. The eye is much too small and the eye size function on the HUD doesn't seem to do anything at all with it.

    Left is the Genus rigged eye and right is a separate mesh eye which is the size they are supposed to be.  But still, the modifiable mesh eyes were free too so that's okay, and I will carry on using those.


  4. I managed to squeeze into the Genus store to pick up the free head - and it's great, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to convert the eyes to BOM. The BOM button seems to work only on the skin. Is there a way, or will I need to buy alternative mesh eyes?

  5. It's no secret that I'm Matti's new alt, and my name is connected to his. We're both named after the character of Maedhros from Tolkien's Silmarillion, whose full name in Quenya is Nelyafinwë Maitimo. The tradition amongst Noldor elves in Tolkien's legendarium was for elves to have two names; the first (Nelyafinwë in this case) given at or soon after birth by the father, and the second name (Maitimo) given to the growing child by the mother. The father-name is formal and the mother-name is informal, used mostly by friends and family. 

    Nelyafinwe Resident was already taken so I shortened it to Nelyafin. But you can call me Nelya, or just Nel.

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  6. Matti has told me to post my own pics, so here I am. 

    I couldn't let all the fabulous freebies for girls go to waste so I stuck a male skin on a female body & head (Lucybody and Dream Ciara) and I look a little different now. And yet also somehow... familiar. I think Matti and I are twinsies, at least for today.


    The outfit is part of a free set from 28LA here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Malkine/146/46/1702

    Funny how a six-pack and a bit of scruff on the chin stops all the unwanted IMs; I hung around in London City for a whole hour looking like this without a single "Hi, how r u?"


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