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Everything posted by AkashaRazorhawk

  1. Yes, that is what I mean. already tried that and still didnt work. This was in fact the problem. Ty Lyssa. I'll just keep using the 32 bit version of FS till I get a video card or a new pc that can run the 64 one.
  2. Thank you for the reply Lyssa. the graphics card is built into the motherboard and I cant get a new one right now.
  3. Hey yojmoj. I too have been having issues with running FS 64 bit on windows 10 64 bit. it too locks up while showing "Intializing VFS". Yet it runs the 32 bit veriosn. I just posted a thread here about it in case you want to check the specs of my PC against yours to see if they may have the same issues. I havent gotten any replies yet about what it could be other than someone saying try checking out the FS website which I have and didnt find the answers I needed.
  4. I moved this here because I think I posted in the wrong part of the forum earlier. Hello everyone, I have an issue with running firestorm viewer 64 bit on a windows 10 64 bit system. Does anyone know why it lets the 32 bit version run but not the 64 bit? when it first starts up and you see the part where its checks your system it stalls as checking the "intializing VFS". my system is: Windows 10 1809 Enterprise 64 bit Intel core i3-2120 cpu 3.30 GHz RAM: 8 GB Graphics: Intel HD Graphics my last PC before it blew up ran Windows 8.1 enterprise both PCs were bought at yard sales with no backup disks. The Win 8.1 Comp allowed both versions of FS to run and it was a 64 bit system as as well and also an Intel I3 core pc with 4 GB of RAM. I can run the 32 bit on this current system but I have been experiencing a lot of freezes and crashes. Any suggestions on how to run the 64 bit to see if it would run better than the 32 would greatly be appreciated.
  5. Hello everyone, I have an issue with running firestorm viewer 64 bit on a windows 10 64 bit system. Does anyone know why it lets the 32 bit version run but not the 64 bit? when it first starts up and you see the part where its check your system it stalls as checking the "intializing VFS". my system is: Windows 10 1809 Enterprise 64 bit Intel core i3-2120 cpu 3.30 GHz RAM: 8 GB Graphics: Intel HD Graphics my last PC before it blew up ran Windows 8.1 enterprise both PCs were bought at yard sales with no backup disks. The Win 8.1 Comp allowed both versions of FS to run and it was a 64 bit system as as well and also an Intel I3 core pc with 4 GB of RAM. I can run the 32 bit on this current system but I have been experiencing a lot of freezes and crashes. Any suggestions on how to run the 64 bit to see if it would run better than the 32 would greatly be appreciated.
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