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Posts posted by Istelathis

  1. 17 minutes ago, Orwar said:

       The only games mobile phones are good for are Sudoku, Snake, and that bouncy ball game my first phone had. The only games consoles are good for are platformers and driving games. People who want the ability to place accurate clicks and type coherently use a computer with a mouse and keyboard. People who play first-person shooters and real-time strategy games on console shouldn't be allowed to vote.

    They are also good to use for hockey.


    I'm not so sure about baseball, perhaps they would do well as a Frisbee though

  2. I'm still getting a lot of use out of this hoverbike.


    I think it has been a couple of hours now, or more just riding around and exploring while passively watching TV.  I even came across a staff member of Chelsea, but they were a cloud and I think AFK



    I liked their truck though 🙃




    I plan on making my way back to my Bellisseria home, I think this may take another hour or two, especially if I keep popping out of SL to check on the forums 🤣



    😕 This is gonna take a while... Hey, I have some cheese, crackers, and a bit of spiced rum to help me along my way! 😛🥂

    • Like 13
  3. 5 hours ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

    Reading this with interest and hadn't really considered the potential implications of an engine switch to Unity. I think that genuinely would kill off the third party viewers.

    The opensourceyness of SL's viewer is probably one of the big reasons it's still around. I know we could probably cope with the official viewer, it's perfectly capable but... clearly there is a strong demand for more advanced features.

    To this end maybe it isn't so obvious that the desktop viewer will follow along with an engine switch. SL kinda needs to be its own independent thing running on its own technology as much as possible on the desktop, if growth in mobile is strong though maybe that will become less important? I hope not.



    I don't know, it all depends on if it would cost money for the TPV viewers, and who would be paying for it.  It may all still come down to LL, footing the bill even if it is Unity.  Modifying the Unity viewer might actually be easier for the developers of TPVs, adding in their own bit of code here and there.  They may still contribute to the main viewer too, with suggestions, and who knows, I mean, it might mean more people climb on board participating with development considering Unity would probably be easier to work with for a lot of people.

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  4. 44 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    The people walking down our street with their phones glued to their ears who I can hear almost a block away. 

    These sorts of people confuse me, it makes me wonder if they want everyone to hear their conversation.  The ones that put it on speaker phone and talk into their phone as though it were a slice of pizza usually get a laugh from me as well.  I think some are doing it because they believe the phone will give them cancer, but then they will slide it in their pocket.  Then I wonder if they realize radio waves are all around them regardless if they are using a phone or not.  

    But yeah, people really seem to be oblivious that the rest of us can hear their conversations or they might actually want us to hear them.  The last one I heard was some guy in a dollar tree and his ex telling one another they are going to hell, like, literal hell, and it was kind of funny because they both were sincere, exposing one another's faults, and acting like they were the mouth piece for whatever God they were worshipping with the exclusive rights of who gets to pass through the pearly gates and who goes to the other place.  🤣

    A little while ago, some lady was in a place called old town that had moderate crowds of people was screaming at the top of her lungs, in anger, on and off for about an hour.  We walked by her, watching her stamp her feet, yelling into the phone, and making a huge spectacle, eventually getting away far enough so her voice blended in with everything else.. later we walked back and she was still stamping around making a huge scene.


    • Like 6
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  5. I wonder if it would cost TPVs anything to modify viewers in Unity, considering they are not making any money at all that I am aware of.  That just goes way above anything I know, how these things work is beyond me especially when it comes to LL, if someone were to make a viewer using it if they are charged or not.   I do know that there is one person that is out there, building a Unity viewer for SL desktop

    Crystal Frost, which I have not been keeping up with.  They probably would have more of an idea of the finances involved.  The last update to the video posted on youtube was about three weeks ago, so they are still chugging along.  I don't think TPVs would vanish, unless they were charged per each user using the viewer.  

  6. The pricing goes above my head(as do most things), but I did find something that may be of use



    For the enterprise I got something like $51,500 USD per month with the setting put to max


    That's a one spicy meat-a-ball!


    That is assuming we have millions of users a month 🤣 For those interested and more knowledgeable than me, play around with it and see how much you estimate it would cost, assuming this link would give us an accurate estimate.  It then comes down to costs, would it require more developers to maintain two different engines, and if so, would it be cheaper to just go with Unity?

  7. Perhaps shuffling around people due to Unity now being used, I suspect the viewer on the desktop will be moving to Unity as well.  If it is, development on the desktop engine currently in use will probably slow down to a near halt as the resources will be shifted to Unity and the manpower required to maintain two different engines would no longer be necessary.  Then there might be the ordeal with having to deal with Apple and Google, and trying to cater to a mobile audience.  Who knows though?  I do know, that I was looking forward to hearing the next Lab Gab, and that may have giving us a few more hints as to their plans for the future, unfortunately, did not happen on the 29th.

    I don't know though, I haven't a clue as to what the roles are in Linden, who the developers are, what their specialties involve, or even the direction SL is going to take.


    • Like 5
  8. Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

    Some of us aren't doing our jobs!!!

    I LOVE your imaginative pictures!


    I know, I have failed our younger generation, they need that sense of their grumpy elders putting them in their place!  I got a kick out of that episode, poor  Squidward



    • Like 3
  9. giphy.gif



    I just get soaked into my own imagination, then I come on the forums and share some of it.  I don't get irritated very often, and find as time goes I grow less irritated at things, I think I am doing this aging thing all wrong or something..  I should have started to yell at people to get off my lawn, and complain about that new fangled technology, and how them zoomers ruin everything.

    For sure though, I never lost my touch of imagination.  Second Life is the perfect place for me to go wandering around, and create all sorts of stories, and scenarios, plus it is always changing, and I am always finding things - and when I don't find things, I just build them and make new stories.  

    • Like 7
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  10. @Love Zhaoying The difference I usually have noticed on social media vs forums, are that the algorithms on social media tend to be more manipulative.  At least that was my experience, the suggested posts I would see would be intrusive, while on the forum it usually is just sorted by date (for me).  I don't like feeling as though I am being manipulated, it just gets to me - and the way a lot of sites keep you glued to the screen is usually through topics that will induce a feeling of fear or anger, which bothers me to no end because I feel, it is counter productive to society.

    Buuuuuuuut!  I am sure not all social media platforms are the same, and I hardly am an expert when it comes to social media.  I just noticed that when I did use facebook, I would be given all sorts of posts that frustrated me, worse yet, I saw former coworkers, friends, even family change slowly by what I would consider programming.  Youtube is more or less the same.


    In short, social media makes me feel like I don't want to live on this planet anymore

    After seeing what it did to people, I really grew frustrated with it.

    • Like 6
  11. 1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Now that I see it from another angle, it kind of reminds me of that thing Anakin Skywalker rode in whatever terrible Star Wars movie that was, with the races.


    Yeah, it is kind of cool 😊 I like the cyberpunk look of my other hoverbike more, as well as the sitting animation, but this one looks really good too and it handles much better.

    • Like 3
  12. I was still enjoying my hoverbike, it handles better than my other hoverbike I have pictured before.





    It was an enjoyable ride, and I really like the entire design of it as well.  I kind of wish there were side mounted machine guns that would allow us to fire at one another 😈  It goes pretty fast in higher gears as well, one thing I did notice was that downshifting did not work - I think it might have just been a bug with the rezzed bike.  I'll have to try it again later when rezzing it again.

    It is meant I think for air travel, but it maneuvered well enough on the roads that I found it to be just as enjoyable as my usual cars, with the exception of sometimes having to lower myself back down to the road if there was a decline.

    Oh, and my ISP updated my internet speed.  I used to get about 20-30 Mbps, and now I get 250-300, needless to say textures are loading a lot faster than when my household had all of their devices running at once.  Region crossings were not so bad either, at the very beginning I was going over 100 mph and was flung off my bike at a corner crossing, but otherwise it handled really nicely.

    • Like 8
  13. My main objection is that I don't like to create threads, and I've been to other forums where they will snip out your post which removes the context it was created in, and then create a new thread from it. Thankfully, it only has happened to me once, it was regarding Will Smith's slap felt around the world, and it was not really meant to be a stand alone thread.  It kind of puts me in a place I would rather not be in.  

    Not that I would object to SL removing the newer rule where we can only discuss SL related stuff.  

  14. 27 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

    The question is, is it truly possible to avoid projection? It might occur even if we don't want it to.

    I think perhaps a lot of projection is usually the result of trying to interpret the intention of others.  If we let go of trying to understand the intention of others I do believe there is less projection occurring.  Being that we are prone to trying to gather the intention of others around us as a survival mechanism, it is difficult to do.

    It is doable though, I mean no matter what our own views will be biased, our own interpretation of others will be formed in our own head, so there will always be some level of projection involved.  What I think is important, is just acknowledging that we are inherently flawed, not omniscient and despite what many of us think, often wrong (besides me, I am never wrong!).  




    Here for evidence, we can see projection occurring.  The mouse is clearly upset with the cat, because the mouse believes the cat is after his cheese...  Meanwhile, the cat is just tripping balls from the catnip she had taken earlier, and is pondering the meaning of life.

    Okay, enough of my nonsensical pseudo thoughts, with absolutely no basis in reality but formed almost entirely out of boredom 🙃


    I'll instead opt to put them on their own boats 🙃 (sorry, I had an extra picture I had to do something with)

    • Like 2
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  15. I was playing around in the community exhibit, on my smallest avatar, there is a little miniature island with places to sit, and was having fun with that as well as snapping some photos, as well as enjoying some chocolate at another exhibit.


    Then I found a new exhibit, for BBB and they are giving away a free hoverbike!  So now I am riding around on said hover bike.. it is a little big for me, but I like it!



    I also almost got scooped up by a tentacle, those things are a public menace!  

    • Like 8
  16. 1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    This is why I keep urging people who keep defending the system and those ostensibly serving it simply to go there -- and go there multiple times, on different days of the week, in different time zones and just see what you see.



    I easily am entertained.


    What?!?  Okay, I was a lonely kid and found things to do  that any rational sane person would find boring 😜 Give me a a common household bowl, and a spoon and I could have hours of fun 

    • Like 4
  17. 15 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Peeve: A lot of things on social media don't make it to "news" since social media has a lot of "opinions", and most news is far from "fair and balanced"! That's my opinion.

    I think that is one of the reasons I avoid most social media, and just skim the news now.  I just don't have the time anymore, for most of my news I prefer tech and science articles now.  Previously I could spend hours on the Internet, just reading opinion after opinion, some I would agree with, others I would disagree with.. it became so involving, and the way people treated one another was pretty horrible.

    Then trying to sort through opinions, and narrow down what is factual and what is not became almost impossible.  That would take forever, and at times trying to find the so called truth would just lead to more biased information.  Finding factual information on the Internet, has become a chore for a lot of topics. 

    Not that it is any different with the news, I will read a news story, then read the comments, then do a search, and before I know it an hour or two has passed and outside of knowing a bunch of opinions I will not really know anything of significance.


    Peeve: I am lost in a sea of conflicting opinions, on a boat with torn sails, and a rudder that was chewed off by a pesky shark 🦈

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  18. 24 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Seriously - give Threads a try!!!  There is sooooo much positive stuff on there (in my case, LGBT+, "my side" political stuff, etc.)

    Isn't it part of facebook?  I thought of creating a Mastodon account, but then figured mostly everything significant that is on social media eventually ends up on the news, considering so many news stories just end up being based on social media now that it is almost pointless unless I wanted news on the fly.  

    I did use Nitter for a while, but they seem to have lost their ability to browse twitter.  Now I just wait till whatever big is happening on social media becomes newsworthy.  


    Peeve: Read it once on the Internet, read it hundreds of times, and be prepared for thousands of videos regarding it 🤣

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