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Tanzanite Amethyst

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Everything posted by Tanzanite Amethyst

  1. The last new homes showing for me are the Fantasy homes, I can see the homes offered since I don't use the Linden house.
  2. 351 is the limit you cant add prims to linden homes😒
  3. I got my stilt home when they first came out and was super lucky on the spot I got, I'm forever in love🥰😍
  4. I waited to long for the stilt homes I wont be giving it up none too soon, the Chalet are cute, but not my cup of tea😊
  5. They are nice, but I'm not giving up my Stilt home😅
  6. I have a home on Bellisseria, I love it, but the more I see of the house boats I want one, I love the water. My home I have now I'm not far from the ocean, I live in New Bigby.
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