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Abigail Highmist

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  1. Yay! Success at last! And right on a small pond! So exciting!
  2. I can deal with not getting one because I wasn't here or fast enough, but this wasn't a case of sorry, we're out.. it was an Unknown Error and sent me back to the page to get a log house so many times, with the same unknown error. That's a bummer... sent my Victorian back days ago and sitting on my clicky hands to not get something else while waiting for the log cabins to come out.
  3. Now they're out... and it kept letting me all the way through to come to an "Unknown error occurred" and sending me back to the land page. Then timed me out!
  4. Am I the only one who is getting Bellisseria as a theme but no house popping up on the land page?
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