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Bruce Valentine

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Everything posted by Bruce Valentine

  1. If you are a premium member I believe it is 7 days.
  2. Personally I think the cost is excessive, especially in addition to having to be premium. From the FAQ: I don't like the available last names. When will there be different names available? How often will the list of names change? Much as we did with the original legacy surnames, we plan to update and change the available last names regularly. That way, a good variety of first and last name combinations are available at any given moment. Because we determine when to retire a last name by the number of times it's been used, it's hard to say exactly when the list might change. If you're interested in changing your name, but don't see a name that fits just yet, please check back every so often to see what names have become available.
  3. Please contact me in world if still available. Thanks
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