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Everything posted by ayamashi

  1. Any suggestions which stores sell these pale skins? I have been to a 15 or so most popular skin stores (in search) but even their palest skin tone is too dark. Or is there a way to make a skin paler?
  2. Hi! Can anyone help me how to get this look or how to get it as close as possible? I have been trying to get something similar to this for ages but I can never get it. Id assume the head is lelutka? Anyone who has an avi close to this can share their attachments? Sadly the owner of the picture doesnt have a notecard Thanks)
  3. Anyone who is more experienced in SP can help? I used smart materials to create my wood texture but I am wondering how to change the colors globally. My texture is a mix of brown colors but would like to have it in white and dark grey. Is there a way to change the colors globally without going through each smart material and tweaking the colors in each layer? Thanks!
  4. Thank you! Certainly helpful. Managed to make it work!
  5. I am having trouble understanding / figuring out how to make a script listen on certain channels on certain conditions. I have a listener object that listens to the HUD and plays animation depending which anim the user choses.. But I want the HUD to swap between two options - 1. listener only listens to object owner and plays selected animation // 2. When multiple object (HUD) owners press the SYNC button it enables sim wide animation selection. Meaning if 2 or more owners enable the SYNC button, if any object owner choses an animation - it will play the same animation at the same time at once for all owners with SYNC enabled. 1. seems simple...just by having an unique channel for each owner. I am having troubles with 2 because I dont know if I am missing something or just cant think. I thought I can just set a toggle for dialogChannel to change depending if SYNC is on/off but that is not really working.... If SYNC is OFF - dialogChannel is unique [ex. dialogChannel = ((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetOwner(),-8,-1))); ]. If SYNC is ON - dialogChannel is some random value, but same for all owners [ex. dialogChannel = 123456] ----------- HUD script integer dialogChannel; integer iSync; default { changed(integer change) { (change & CHANGED_OWNER) { llResetScript(); } } state_entry() { dialogChannel = ((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetOwner(),-8,-1))); } touch_start(integer total_number) { integer link = llDetectedLinkNumber(0); integer face = llDetectedTouchFace(0); if (link == 1) { iSync =! iSync; if (face == 0 && iSync) { dialogChannel = 123456; llOwnerSay("Sync enabled."); llRegionSay(dialogChannel, "SyncON"); llSay(0, "Channel is + " (string)dialogChannel); } else { dialogChannel = ((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetOwner(),-8,-1))); llOwnerSay("Sync disabled."); llRegionSay(dialogChannel, "SyncOFF"); llSay(0, "Channel is + " (string)dialogChannel); } } -------------------------- Listener script integer dialogChannel; integer listenHandle; key ownerID; default { changed(integer change) { (change & CHANGED_OWNER) { llResetScript(); } } state_entry() { dialogChannel = ((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetOwner(),-8,-1))); ownerID = llGetOwner(); listenHandle = llListen(dChannel, "", "", ""); llRequestPermissions(ownerID, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { ownerID = llGetOwner(); llRequestPermissions(ownerID, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) if (message == "SyncON") { dialogChannel = 123456; listenHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", "", ""); llSay(0, "Channel is" + (string)dialogChannel); } else if (message == "SyncOFF") { dialogChannel = ((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetOwner(),-8,-1))); listenHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", "", ""); llSay(0, "Channel is" + (string)dialogChannel); } ----------- I cant even say what I tried anymore. When I pass the objects to my alt it either works or it doesnt, it either plays animation if its ON or OFF. The HUD works fine if I leave out the SYNC. Any help? Thank you!
  6. I'm trying to make a hand finger movement animation that also uses attachment point movement but need to check with translation on avastar export for the attachment. I set the finger movement only as rotation keyframes but it still breaks fingers on kemono. On maitreya or ebody it looks kind of OK, but kemono really distorts the hand so I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Is there any way to prevent hand finger deformation ? Thank you!
  7. I just tried the llScaleByFactor and it seems it does not create any seams even when I repeatedly scale up and down. I dont see any potential problems with it mentioned in the wiki. Can I assume I can use this without problems? Will it fail to rescale properly for example if the sim is laggy?
  8. Thanks for the reply! How difficult is this to achieve for an almost complete scripting newbie? Unfortunately I am not that experienced in scripting so I am thinking whether I should make the mesh MOD so people can resize it themselves or hire a scripter.
  9. Hi, I modified this script into my llDialog menu https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/32596-basic-resizer/ Mostly by copy pasting this part float fabsizeX; float rezsizeX; vector rs; float listenTimeout=1800.0; // seconds integer listenHandle; integer dimTest( vector vr ) { return !( vr.x<0.01 || vr.y<0.01 || vr.z<0.01 || vr.x>64.0 || vr.y>64.0 || vr.z>64.0 ); } primloop( float scal ) { integer primindx; integer validDim=TRUE; list primP; if (llGetNumberOfPrims()<2) validDim = validDim && dimTest( scal*llGetScale()); else for ( primindx = 1; primindx <= llGetNumberOfPrims(); primindx++ ) { primP = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams( primindx, [PRIM_SIZE]); validDim = validDim && dimTest( scal*llList2Vector( primP, 0 )); } if ( validDim ) { if (llGetNumberOfPrims()<2) llSetScale( scal*llGetScale()); // not linked prim else for ( primindx = 1; primindx <= llGetNumberOfPrims(); primindx++ ) { primP = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams( primindx, [PRIM_SIZE, PRIM_POSITION]); vector primScale = scal*llList2Vector( primP, 0 ); vector primPos = scal*(llList2Vector( primP, 1 )-llGetPos()); if ( primindx == 1 ) llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( primindx, [PRIM_SIZE, primScale]); else llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( primindx, [PRIM_SIZE, primScale, PRIM_POSITION, primPos/llGetRootRotation()]); } } else llOwnerSay("No resize! Out of limit sizes are not accepted"); } default { state_entry() { rs = llGetScale(); fabsizeX = rs.x; rezsizeX = fabsizeX; llOwnerSay("Size at buy is set to Current size"); } on_rez( integer p) { rs = llGetScale(); rezsizeX = rs.x; } and in the listen event created only buttons for +Size and -Size listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (message == "+Size"); { primloop(1.2); } if (message == "-Size"); { primloop(1.0/1.2); } Well, it works..but when I select +Size it creates visible seams on my object where the meshes touch. My object is 4 separate objects uploaded as 1 linkset with 5th plane in the middle for the button. I put the script inside the button plane, made sure its its root prim. If I press the +Size only once the seams are there but not very visible. But if I press +Size multiple times, then -Size then +Size the seams get obvious. It seems to me that the link set objects are not resized accurately and it creates the seams. One time the seam overlaps, one time theres a gap between left and right side, or top and bottom side. Is this something to do with the script? Should I use a different one? Theres a *Bosh* resizer script but I want the resize menu inside my Dialog menu not a separate script. Or is it something to do with my mesh? I apply all transforms->set origin to geometry when exporting from Blender. When I manually resize my object in world there are no seams. Thanks!
  10. I think I'll make clothes only for the freely available devkit bodies for now and see where that takes me. Thank you to everyone who replied! I appreciate it.
  11. It did occur me to contact somebody from the Maitreya brand directly, but I thought they must be busy etc etc. I haven't applied for the devkit because everyone I asked in SL told me I need to have a store to be even considered. And that was 8 different people I met in different places. Some told me it doesn't even need to be a clothing store necessarily. See, that might be hearsay to you, but to people who would like to start using the devkit legally , it seems valid. If I understand it right, you give the devkit to people who should have experience with mesh and have a store so the devkit is used as it should be and not being available to anyone who might want to rip it. That's OK, I wouldn't want other people using my creations with permission either. And as for why I haven't contacted you directly, I had no idea there was another person working with Onyx that deals with this. I'll confess that I did make 2 clothing to use on my Maitreya body as part of learning, modelling and texturing it with NO intent on selling it a few months prior to making this thread. That was just practice. It's not perfect as I had no devkit, but that might seem as an excuse. Now if I wanted to get real and start making clothes, what do I have to do to get the devkit? I really hope you won't take anything here as offensive, as I was just interpretating what was told to me. I really like the Maitreya body, but then you read things like it's inpossible to get it and read things which I mentioned above. Thanks for replying on this thread.
  12. I really do not like when people don´t make demos. But it is a good point about the demo to be in bold letters to catch the eye. Thanks. Thank you. I figured I would ask here first before even starting to try to make it work with Maitreya. I honestly do not want to break any copyright laws. I will look into the Lucybody. Thank you for suggestion.
  13. Sorry for the vague title. If I make clothing for a body that has freely available devkit and then modify it through trial and error, can I list it on MP that it should fit Maitreya body too, or can that get me into legal trouble? Obviously it won't be fitted mesh as I have no devkit to work with and propably will require alpha hide with some shapes. It would be stated on MP listing along with a line to try the demo first. Is it a long process? Yes. Is it worth it? I don't know. But everyone knows how it is about getting the devkits. I understand the reasoning of creators of those mesh bodies. Thoughts?
  14. I tried making simple item for myself but run into some problem. Is there a reason why my piece moves correctly with the arm after applying weights in Blender, but after uploading it clips through my avatar arm? The shape I have in Blender is the same as my avatar imported through xml with Avastar. Is it rigging error or export settings or Avastar settings? I am kind of new to avastar and first time seeing this, never had a problem like this on previous creations. Thanks.
  15. Thank you! I was using the 2nd method you mentioned but I did not use the substract tool on vertices I wanted to remove from the group (they appeared blue, thought they are not affected). After I did what you mentioned and using Weights - Clean and then reselecting the vertex group, the random vertices are removed from the selected group. @Ada Radius
  16. Hello, I am trying to weight something and after fiddling around with it I realised I can select a bone and then select vertex group in edit mode and it will show me all vertices affected. I have tried to manually deselect all vertices which should not be affected by a bone, but how do you preserve this? After I exit edit mode, the vertices get reselected. If I hit assign, the mesh will break. Do people even do this when weight painting? Do people check in edit mode which vertices are affected by weights? Am I doing something completely pointless? As you can see on the picture I have mShoulderLeft bone selected. Vertices on the completely other side of the mesh are also selected. Any way to make it clean, deselect the vertices on the right side and middle side? The vertices on the right side do not have any weights from mShoulderLeft.
  17. Thanks for your reply! First, I dont know why I thought I could upload a 2k texture. I am guessing its because the window where you add local texture to view them says it can be max 2k. Second, after doing the workflow again for the 5th time, and scaling it to 1k like you said, I managed to make the texture look OK and not blurry any more. No idea what I did wrong before. I am using png format for textures and bicubic scaling.
  18. I made a piece of clothing for myself and textured it in trial of substance painter. My issue is the quality of the texture. No matter if I export it as 2k or 4k or 8k, it looks blurry. After I resize the 8k to 2k it looks the same as 2k. There is no way I can make it any lower and not making ot look like from Minecraft. Ive seen some creations of people and their textures looked sharp and clean. Is there any workflow how to make the textures not blurry? I tried google but all I got is how to resize images for printing and websites. Maybe I'm not go ogling correctly Thanks
  19. I have managed to make it work. Thanks Wulfie and Optimo. I have no idea why it did not work before but now when I insert the keyframes it works *shrug*
  20. Is it possible to make an animation to look like floating in the air while the avatar is actually just standing and not flying? I want to make a floating upright animation, but nothing I tried really worked for me. When I previewed the animation my avatar was still standing on the ground. What I tried was to move all bones on z axis up and applying loc rot scale, but that didnt work. Thanks.
  21. Hello, I've been practicing my scripting, but hit a small bump. I wanted to create two objects, one touch start to announce its position in sim on_rez with llGetPos(), and one with a listener that will listen to the position and move to the position on changed_link (avatar sit). I have tried googling as to how to make a script to listen, but haven't found any answer. I know how to make it listen to specified messages, like (if message = "Blue"), but have no idea how to make it listen to a vector? Thanks.
  22. I want to create a male avi with maitreya body + v tech chest mod, but I have been having issues with which head would be the best. I have kemono but I don't really like how childish it looks. I have tried catwa, laq, genus female heads, got some skins and modified the shape to get a more male look, but I wasn't completely satisfied with the look. I never tried male heads, as I don't want a typical male look, aiming for something feminine. Anyone here who has a male avi possibly with maitreya and v tech mod can give me some tips. Thanks!
  23. Any kind soul can help me with my issue. I am trying to make a script with llDialog which will pop up all the avatars in the region. I managed to create something but it shows only 1 avatar in the region and it is an UUID of said avatar. I made it in comparison to a script which does the same in llSay. touch_start(integer total_number) { key toucherID; toucherID = llDetectedKey(0); list ava = []; ava = llGetAgentList (AGENT_LIST_REGION, []); integer Avatars = llGetListLength(ava); list buttons; buttons += [llGetSubString(llList2String(ava,0),0,23)]; string dInfo = "Please"; integer dChannel; dChannel = 0; llDialog(toucherID, dInfo, buttons, dChannel); } } I found llKey2Name, llGetDisplayName but I havent really managed to actually make it work. Why does it only show 1 avatar even if there are more in the region? Follow up question: If I managed to get the avatar names to show up and I decided to use a listen event, how would I go about to make the listen know which avatar was selected prior? I know that if you have a pre made list of options you can just put the IF control and an event. Thank you .
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