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Everything posted by JennCrossSL

  1. I do most of my roleplay in RL I roleplay as a motivated employee for a large corporation who doesn’t cordially despise modern society 🙂
  2. They inform the phobic that either their birth-assigned gender matches their SL avatar, of that they could afford really good voice modulation software......
  3. Its the whole Prison restroom verve that gets me 🙂
  4. No Voice for me, also for obvious reasons 🙂 Also, sometimes, taking the extra three seconds to type something has saved entire relationships in SL from getting destroyed by impulsive things said into a microphone.
  5. Switching to a Mesh home network system was a wonderful move for me! There are several versions on the market that are affordable and scale-up as your needs expand.
  6. I pretty shamelessly de-render "eyesore" builds on the Mainland. When you have random neighbors whose design style is "Road Warrior/Prison Restroom Gacha + Pelicans", de-rendering is a polite way to live beside that....creation.... and still have your property photo-ready. Derendering lets everyone do their thing without getting triggered into waving a broom at them across the property line and screaming "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS?" Everyone gets to live as they like; peacefully.
  7. She obviously thought you were after her partner.... IM her, “confess” to the imaginary affair and let Domestic Karma run wild at her place... 🙂
  8. That -should- be scriptable. It has ‘cool things you can Bento” written all over it. Q: If an avatar flutters its digital wings; does the wind change directions over the Great Firewall of China?
  9. L’Etre really surprised me! Their non-cleavage option is quite nice and I generally love their facial appliers. Note: I use 3rd-Party Brows as the L’Etre skin applier was not ver blonde-friendly (and I wanted a different texture-shape to augment the brow-style)
  10. I’d have to go “One Degree of Ryan Gosling” to his BR2049 co-star..... This would be the “Hey Girl” to end all Hey Girls.... 🙂
  11. I reserve the right to not be Peeved if the IMer is really hawt 😛 /me oggles
  12. Photography within Second Life is what inspired me to find out more about Second Life. Art is sometimes a better advertisement than professional advertising.
  13. I’ve been away a while, but there used to be a problem with people dropping replicating items on open-drop land and griefing the landowner. Really, thats more of a “take care of your Land Permissions” issue; but I guess it could make some folks testy....
  14. Today I reaffirmed that the Welcome Areas / Sim Down Redirect Areas are STILL the best free show in Second Life......
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